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Green Concepts


On this page is a list of foods you should all be eating daily. Make sure that your daily consumption of food is at least 75 percent of the foods listed here with no more than 25 percent for other foods.

Yes, marijuana is on this list. Find it yourself.

These foods are designed to help build, maintain, and repair your body on a regular basis, as well as to provide your body with the energy you need to take on the day.

By reducing the amount of saturated fats and eliminating all trans fats from your diet, you'll be cutting your risk of stroke or heart attack by an untold percent of its risk factor. Please note that sources of saturated fats include the popular red meat items such as hamburgers, steak, pot roast, and anything else made from cattle. It's best that you avoid all red meat from your diet to reduce your risk of stroke or heart attack.

You'll also need to watch your intake of table sugar. Too much consumption of it has been linked to Type 2 Diabetes. Avoid all drinks with calories in them such as soft drinks.

Excess sodium has been linked to hypertension, a raising of your blood pressure. The higher your blood pressure, the more likely a stroke or heart attack wiil occur. Sodium is found in most every packaged cold cuts, processed foods, boxed foods, and fast food items featuring deep fried foods. Too little sodium may be bad as well. Be sure to speak with a dietary coach for advice on what kinds of foods you should be eating in moderation and which to avoid.

Avoid eating french fries. Period. They are cooked in deep fat, which may add unhealthy trans fats and saturated fats, neither of which you want or need in your blood stream. Cut them out now. If someone tries to upsell you french fries, then leave and visit another restaurant. If you want french fries, then cook them yourself at home using a skillet and vegetable oil after cutting them up into small 1/2-inch thick sticks.

For lower carb consumption, limit the amount of refinded carb products you consume to one ounce per day or your body will store the extra energy the carb produces as fat. Pasta is an example of a high carb product.

Avoid all alcohol at all costs, period. No amount of alcohol is safe for human consumption.

Limit consuption of processed white bread items to one ounce. Limit consumption of crackers (four per day), cookies (two per day), cake (one ounce), chips (about one ounce), candy (one ounce) and other snacks to a total of two ounces per day.

Make sure each meal has one serving of fruit, one serving of a green vegetable, one serving of any color vegetable, about three ounces of lean meat, and two ounces of starchy vegetables. If you're still hungry, eat another serving of vegetables and avoid eating more meat and starchy vegetables.

Here's some of the foods you should be eating more of. Please limit consumption of each food item listed and get as many different varieties of these food items as possible. Also, allow yourself to enjoy a few guilty pleasure treats such as a cookie or two, small piece of cake, or a small candy bar, to fight boredom of this diet. Have an occasional lean hamburger full of vegetable trimmings or a lamb chop. Don't overrestrict yourself from having some indulgence in your life.

Seeds: ground flax seeds (aka linseed, not eaten whole), chia seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, anise seeds, fennel seeds, fenugreek seeds, walnut seeds, quinoa, pumpkin seeds,

Fruit: apricots, oranges, peaches, apples, lemons, grapefruits (except with certain medications), tangerines, tomatoes, papayas, olives, plums, peaches, avocado, pomegranates, cantaloupe melon, mango, bananas, guavas, kiwifruit, watermelon, dandelion root, green grapes,

Berry Fruits:: strawberries, cherries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, cranberries,

Dry Fruits: dried apricots, dates, prunes, raisins,

Vegetables: yams (sweet potatoes, limit one per day), carrots, alfalfa sprouts, kale, celery, beets, green beans, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, potatoes, peppers, beets, cucumbers, Mung Bean Sprouts, peanuts, mushrooms, pumpkin, rhubarb, radish, romaine lettuce, squash, red bell peppers, spinach, dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, collards, scallions (green onions), asparagus,

Whole Grains: Dark rye bread, multi-grain bread, brown rice, white rice, wheat bran, bran cereals, barley, wheat germ, oats, millets, sorghum, guinea corn, whey protein, oatmeal,

Legumes: white beans, lentils, green peas, pinto beans, black beans, lima beans, kidney beans, mung beans,

Soy Legumes and Products: soya beans (aka edamame), tofu, soy milk (1-2 quarts a day), miso soup, soy yogurt, edamame, tempeh, soya cubes,

Chickpeas: chickpeas, hummus, falafel,

Nuts: walnuts (high in Omega 3), almonds, pistachios, peanuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, pecans,

Dairy and Egg Products: milk, cheese, butter, eggs (high in Omega 3), cottage cheese, yogurt, coconut milk, almond milk, soy milk, swiss cheese, egg yolks (limit two every three days),

Oils: vegetable oil, flaxseed oil, canola oil, soybean oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, olive oil, linseed oil, lavender oil, tea tree oil (melaleuca oil),

Herbs and Spices: garlic, parsley, clover, cumin, oregano, red clover, evening primrose, ginkgo, turmeric, thyme, sage, licorice root, nutmeg, many hot spices, ginger, rice scampi, greater burdock, sweet root, pueraria mirfiica, marshmallow root, blessed thistle, saw palmetto, fenugreek, marijuana, marjoram,

Lean Meats: chicken, turkey, grass-fed beef (ask for lean cut versions, three ounces a day maximum),

Seafood (high amount of Omega-3's): wild caught salmon, mackerel, tuna,

Other Seafood: shrimp, trout, albacore, sardines, anchovies, swordfish, herring, oysters, prawns, lobsters, shell fish, seaweed, halibut, tilapia, cod, crabs,

Mints: mint leaves, spearmint, peppermint, trebor

Drinks: homemade lemon aid (very easy to make!), orange juice, coffee, green tea, black tea, beer, peppermint herbal tea, spearmint herbal tea, Fenugreek seed tea, non-alcohilic red and white wines,

Vitamins: Vitamin C, Magnesium, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Manganese, inositol, Vitamin D (1000 iu per day),

Canned Foods: chicken soup, infant formula, ravoli, canned beans, canned tuna, most low salt/low sugar canned foods,

Treats: natural peanut butter, licorice candy, dark chocolate (cacao),

Misc: frozen meat, packaged food, cold cuts, beetroot, microwave popcorn, protein powders, protein bars, Red Reishi mushrooms, ginseng, kudzu, lupin, pueraria mirifica, dong quai root,

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