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Formulas: Trigometry and Geometry

NOTE: pi = 3.14159265358979323846

Perimeters/Circumferences (2-D)

Circle: Circumference = pi * diameter
Rectangle: Perimeter = 2 * length + 2 * width
Square: Perimeter = 4 * side
Triangle: Perimeter = 3 * side
Regular Hexagon: Perimeter = 6 * side
Trapezoid: Perimeter = 2 * aside + 2 * bside
Note: aside and bside are measurements of two consecutive sides of the trapezoid.

Diagonals (2-D)

Diamond Square: side = SQR(diag2/2)
Square: Diagonal = (side2 * 2)1/2 or SQR((side2 * 2))
Circle: Diameter = radius * 2, radius = diameter/2
Rectangle: Diagonal = (length2 * width2)1/2
Triangle (Perfect): Height = (side * SQR(3))/2

Areas (2-D)

Triangle: Area = (base * height) / 2
Triangle (Perfect): Area = (side/2)2 * SQR(3)
Triangle (Perfect): Area = SQR (side2 - (side/2)2)
Diamond Square: AREA = diagonal2/2
Square: Area = side2
Rectangle: Area = length * width
Parallelgram: Area = base * height
Trapezoid: Area = height * (base1 + base2)/2
Wrecktangle: Divide into two triangles and use triangle forula to combine
Circle: Area = pi * radius2
Ellipse: Area = pi * a * b
Trapezoid: Area = (height*(aside + bside))/2
Note: aside and bside are measurements of two consecutive sides of the trapezoid.
Regular Pentagon: Area = 1.720 * side2
Regular Hexagon: Area = 2.598 * side2
Regular Hexagon: Area = 3 * (side/2)2 * SQR(3)
Regular Octagon: Area = 4.828 * side2

Edge Length (3-D)

Cube: Edge = side * 12
Rectangular Prism: Edge = length * 4 + width * 4 + height * 4
Tetrahedron (4-sided Triangular Figure): Edge = side * 6

Diagonals (3-D)


Surface Areas (3-D)

Cube: Area = side2 * 6
Rectangular Prism: Area = 2 * (length * width + width * height + height * length)
Tetrahedron: Area = (base * height) * 2
Sphere: Area = radius2 * pi * 4

Volume (3-D)

Cube: Volume = side3
Rectangluar Prism: Volume = length * width * height
Pyramid: Volume = (AreaOfBase * height)/3
Cylinder: Volume = pi * r2 * height
Cone: Volume = (pi * r2 * height)/3
Sphere: Volume = (4 * pi * r3)/3

Temperature Conversions

Celsius = (Fahrenheit - 32) / 1.8
Fahrenheit = (Celsius * 1.8) + 32
Absolute Zero = -273.16 degrees Celsius or Zero degrees Kelvin!
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