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Alternative Letter Codes Part 5

x1d600 - x1d6ff

x1d600 - 𝘀x1d601 - 𝘁x1d602 - 𝘂x1d603 - 𝘃
x1d604 - 𝘄x1d605 - 𝘅x1d606 - 𝘆x1d607 - 𝘇
x1d608 - 𝘈x1d609 - 𝘉x1d60a - 𝘊x1d60b - 𝘋
x1d60c - 𝘌x1d60d - 𝘍x1d60e - 𝘎x1d60f - 𝘏
x1d610 - 𝘐x1d611 - 𝘑x1d612 - 𝘒x1d613 - 𝘓
x1d614 - 𝘔x1d615 - 𝘕x1d616 - 𝘖x1d617 - 𝘗
x1d618 - 𝘘x1d619 - 𝘙x1d61a - 𝘚x1d61b - 𝘛
x1d61c - 𝘜x1d61d - 𝘝x1d61e - 𝘞x1d61f - 𝘟
x1d620 - 𝘠x1d621 - 𝘡x1d622 - 𝘢x1d623 - 𝘣
x1d624 - 𝘤x1d625 - 𝘥x1d626 - 𝘦x1d627 - 𝘧
x1d628 - 𝘨x1d629 - 𝘩x1d62a - 𝘪x1d62b - 𝘫
x1d62c - 𝘬x1d62d - 𝘭x1d62e - 𝘮x1d62f - 𝘯
x1d630 - 𝘰x1d631 - 𝘱x1d632 - 𝘲x1d633 - 𝘳
x1d634 - 𝘴x1d635 - 𝘵x1d636 - 𝘶x1d637 - 𝘷
x1d638 - 𝘸x1d639 - 𝘹x1d63a - 𝘺x1d63b - 𝘻
x1d63c - 𝘼x1d63d - 𝘽x1d63e - 𝘾x1d63f - 𝘿
x1d640 - 𝙀x1d641 - 𝙁x1d642 - 𝙂x1d643 - 𝙃
x1d644 - 𝙄x1d645 - 𝙅x1d646 - 𝙆x1d647 - 𝙇
x1d648 - 𝙈x1d649 - 𝙉x1d64a - 𝙊x1d64b - 𝙋
x1d64c - 𝙌x1d64d - 𝙍x1d64e - 𝙎x1d64f - 𝙏
x1d650 - 𝙐x1d651 - 𝙑x1d652 - 𝙒x1d653 - 𝙓
x1d654 - 𝙔x1d655 - 𝙕x1d656 - 𝙖x1d657 - 𝙗
x1d658 - 𝙘x1d659 - 𝙙x1d65a - 𝙚x1d65b - 𝙛
x1d65c - 𝙜x1d65d - 𝙝x1d65e - 𝙞x1d65f - 𝙟
x1d660 - 𝙠x1d661 - 𝙡x1d662 - 𝙢x1d663 - 𝙣
x1d664 - 𝙤x1d665 - 𝙥x1d666 - 𝙦x1d667 - 𝙧
x1d668 - 𝙨x1d669 - 𝙩x1d66a - 𝙪x1d66b - 𝙫
x1d66c - 𝙬x1d66d - 𝙭x1d66e - 𝙮x1d66f - 𝙯
x1d670 - 𝙰x1d671 - 𝙱x1d672 - 𝙲x1d673 - 𝙳
x1d674 - 𝙴x1d675 - 𝙵x1d676 - 𝙶x1d677 - 𝙷
x1d678 - 𝙸x1d679 - 𝙹x1d67a - 𝙺x1d67b - 𝙻
x1d67c - 𝙼x1d67d - 𝙽x1d67e - 𝙾x1d67f - 𝙿
x1d680 - 𝚀x1d681 - 𝚁x1d682 - 𝚂x1d683 - 𝚃
x1d684 - 𝚄x1d685 - 𝚅x1d686 - 𝚆x1d687 - 𝚇
x1d688 - 𝚈x1d689 - 𝚉x1d68a - 𝚊x1d68b - 𝚋
x1d68c - 𝚌x1d68d - 𝚍x1d68e - 𝚎x1d68f - 𝚏
x1d690 - 𝚐x1d691 - 𝚑x1d692 - 𝚒x1d693 - 𝚓
x1d694 - 𝚔x1d695 - 𝚕x1d696 - 𝚖x1d697 - 𝚗
x1d698 - 𝚘x1d699 - 𝚙x1d69a - 𝚚x1d69b - 𝚛
x1d69c - 𝚜x1d69d - 𝚝x1d69e - 𝚞x1d69f - 𝚟
x1d6a0 - 𝚠x1d6a1 - 𝚡x1d6a2 - 𝚢x1d6a3 - 𝚣
Alternative Letter Codes Alternative Letter Codes Part 1 Alternative Letter Codes Part 2 Alternative Letter Codes Part 3 Alternative Letter Codes Part 4 Alternative Letter Codes Part 5
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