We were planning to officially revert back to the original name "Dave's Radio Waves", but radio and airwaves are irrelevant to today's listeners. Even Clear Channel Radio had to change into Clear Channel Media. Why? Radio has been replaced with streaming audio as the choice for younger music consumers.
We were also once known as Cal Radio News or Southern California Radio or whatever else we used to have.
Speaking of davesfunstuff.com, isn't it time we got a new name for that website? Give us some non-trademarked suggestions. We might use it to house SDN and the old DFS and everything else we currently have on the net.
Yes, we're still covering terrestrial radio, but less so today than in the past. We're covering so many more topics of interest such as TV, sports, tech, computers, and whatever intriging topics we pick to feature on our blog.
For those who miss Don Barrett's work on laradio.com, which ended on Nov 8, if you still need an internet outlet for Los Angeles area radio news, we're here if you want to send in some stories for publication.
Understand that I'm not a journalist or an investigator, so my time is limited to an hour collecting links and publishing them.
Also note that SDN is a merger with the San Diego Radio News, What's My Beef, and Cable News sections. SDN will be more flexible in terms of covering a variety of topics, not just radio or media anymore.
When this blog first started on the now-defunct Geocities website in 1999 as Dave's Radio Waves, we just covered commentaries and observations about the San Diego radio news industry from an outside point of view. It also touched on television a bit.
When this blog started in 1999, we had Don Barrett's LA Radio website, John Fox's Fox Trots weekly web blog, Gary Lycan and Richard Wagoner covering Los Angeles radio news in print, Randy Dotinga doing his San Diego radio commentaries in print, and a few other websites covering some degree of radio industry news for the Los Angeles and San Diego areas. There was also All Access, CGC Communicator, Radio and Records, and others.
Today, we still have radiodailynews.com and allaccess.com, plus the CGC Communicator covering radio engineering news and notes, plus new websites that came in since then such as fmqb.com, radioink.com, sdradio.net run by Chris Carmichael, and radioinsight.com among others. John Fox has moved on, Don Barrett is in semi-retirement still updating his laradio.com website every now and then weeks after "retiring" in September of last year, Radio and Records folded into Billboard Biz in 2009, and others. We also got new upstarts like Kurt Hanson, Inside Radio, and others.
Back in 1999, we used to cover the world of funny music and comedy plus the Dr. Demento radio show. Nowadays, funny has been relegated to just visual entertainment such as movies, videos, and DVD releases, while funny audio recordings outside of "Weird Al" have disappearred into oblivion for today's generations. We no longer cover the world of funny music because of this.
As time marched on, Dave's Radio Waves changed names and locations into the present San Diego Radio News at SDN (since 2003), and since last year, we decided that since radio industry news about San Diego and Los Angeles alone wasn't getting much reader interest, we decided to expand our hand-picked news links into covering other topics of interest. SDN has in a sense morphed into just SDN or SDRN as some readers prefer, but San Diego Radio News has unofficially morphed into more than just covering radio industury topics, as people are interested in media, especially sports media that is full of competetive drama within itself, and there are many websites covering various top stories about it each week.
SDN covers links to some tech news, television as an industry, consumer news, and other news we find interesting to note.
SDN is still the home of just plain SDN. We still do radio industry links as well as commentaries and views, but now, the links cover more topics than it did before.
We want to thank our readers who stuck with what is now just plain SDN since 1999. Radio is still #1 as a topic, but if you want to contribute radio articles and links, even commentaries and thoughts for publication, feel free to use the "CONTACT" or "E-Mail" link. If you got some links about the cable industry carriage dispute dramas, automotive, sports media news, television industry, and more, send in those links. We also do hand-picked news from cnet, zdnet, wired, yahoo, and more.
We're not goint to change our name or website URL to confuse readers. We're still going to use sandiegoreadionews.com, and our name will remain SDN.
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