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Episode Guide - Season 9

EP 251: THE POLLUTION SOLUTION - Drysdale is trying to get his money back, while Jed is trying to prevent him from doing so. And Jethro is trying to come up with a way to beat the smog problem. Drysdale sends Jane over to get the money, posing as a guard. When Jed doesn't give it to him, Drysdale tells him what he's got is a drop in the bucket, and only the President could really do anything. Jed returns the money and says he plans to give all his money to the President. Aired: 9/15/1970

EP 252: THE CLAMPETTS IN WASHINGTON - The Clampetts head to Washington D.C to give their money to the President, and Honest John and Flo follow. Honest John convinces the Clampetts that he knows the President and that they can give him money, which he will give to the President. Flo poses as Sitting Hawk, the last of the District of Colombia Native Americans. Aired: 9/22/1970

EP 253: JED BUYS THE CAPITOL - The Clampetts are confused after being taken to a place called a psych ward and being called "paranoiacs and schizophrenics." They ask Honest John what it is about. He tells them it is a mistake and promises they can see the President, just as soon as some trouble is settled. He returns to Flo and tells her he is going to take the Clampetts for another two million. They "sell" Jed the Capitol, and much more of the property. Aired: 9/29/1970

EP 254: MARK TEMPLETON ARRIVES - Elly comes running to Granny with distressing news, sickness! Fairchild, Elly’s bear, is sick. Meanwhile, at the bank, Miss Jane has a visitor, Lieutenant Mark Templeton of the US Navy. He is Matthew Templeton’s brother. Drysdale kicks the two out, and Jane takes Mark to the Clampetts to meet the beautiful Elly. At this time, Granny made medicine for Elly May’s bear, but Jethro ate it. Elly tries to remake it, but fails, and ends up looking a mess. Aired: 10/6/1970

EP 255: DON'T MARRY A FROGMAN - Elly May continues to see Mark Templeton, the Navy Frogman, something Granny is not pleased with. She is very frightened that her granddaughter is dating someone who is half man, half frog. After a date Elly has with Mark and a late night movie of Jethro's, Granny begins to have nightmares about this. Aired: 10/13/1970

EP 256: DOCTOR, CURE MY FROG - Granny checks on Mark to make sure he is all human. When she sees that he is, she is ready for him to marry Elly May, giving hints. Elly and Mark sit in the parlor, trying to be alone, but keep getting interrupted by the family, mostly Granny and Jethro. Even when they think they are alone, Jethro is watching them, but Elly chases him out. Granny decides to head to the bank and, since she helped her out, brings Miss Jane a frog to kiss, only if she wants to. Aired: 10/27/1970

EP 257: DO YOU, ELLY, TAKE THIS FROG? - Navy frogman Mark Templeton (Roger Torrey) is on the verge of proposing to Elly May. Everyone in the Clampett clan is delighted—everyone, that is, except Granny, who still believes that the designation "frogman" means that Mark is half frog. In a surreal dream sequence, Granny imagines that Elly is marching down the aisle with a giant amphibian. Richard Deacon appears briefly as a bemused psychiatrist. Aired: 11/10/1970

EP 258: THE FROG FAMILY - Granny thinks Jethro has turned into a frog after he went swimming and takes him to Dr. Klinger in the bank building. Jethro stops by the bank and takes the frog home. Granny sees him at home and thinks he is cured. Jed decides to learn to be a frogman too, but when he tells Jethro, Granny jumps on him to stop him. Jethro takes Granny to her room, and Granny begs someone to end her suffering. Aired: 11/17/1970

EP 259: FARM IN THE OCEAN - Mark shows the family a movie of the ocean’s depths, but it still does not impress Granny. Meanwhile, Drysdale is trying to impress Mark. He redecorates his office with Navy memorabilia. Everything goes well, until Mark mentions oceanography and Drysdale donating money like Jed plans to. He throws Mark out, and calls Granny and tells her Mark and Elly can’t get serious. She agrees. Aired: 11/24/1970

EP 260: SHORTY TO THE RESCUE - Granny has come up with a new way to split Elly and Mark up and has called Shorty Kellems to help her do so. When Shorty arrives, she tells Mark that Shorty used to be Elly’s fiancé and wants revenge on Mark, but her story fails. At this time, Drysdale is trying to tell Jed that oceanography is a bad idea, but doesn’t succeed and ends up saying Miss Jane said it. Aired: 12/1/1970

EP 261: WELCOME TO THE FAMILY - Granny still believes Mark can turn people into water critters and turned Shorty into a seal. She gets the frogman to turn him back and continues to try to break up Elly May and Mark by having Elly cook for Mark. Meanwhile, Drysdale tries to keep Jed from withdrawing his money from the bank for oceanography research, this time dressing up as Napoleon. Aired: 12/8/1970

EP 262: THE GREAT REVELATION - Granny finally realizes that Mark is not half man/half frog. After learning he is all human, Granny is set on finally getting Elly May married to Mark. Elly and Mark are getting more serious, and Mark is planning to leave the Navy to spend more time with Elly and on his oceanography research. When Drysdale learns all of this, he is dead set on splitting Mark and Elly up. Aired: 12/15/1970

EP 263: THE GRUNION INVASION - The Clampetts prepare to go fight the invading Grunion, while Drysdale works to keep the Clampetts believing Mark has turned coward. The Clampetts head to the beach and set up their headquarters. They look out on the water and see a couple of surfers and mistake them for the Grunion. Aired: 1/5/1971

EP 264: THE GIRLS FROM GRUN - The Clampetts finish dining with their Grunion, a surfer boy and a girl, and tell the captives they will let them go. Jethro wants to keep his captured girl, but Jed let’s the two go. At the bank, Drysdale, who tells Helen she must take the blame for his stupid mistakes, decides to get his former secretary back. Helen goes to the beach to try to get Jane back, and finds out the Clampetts still believe Grunion are people, a poor excuse, but people nonetheless. Aired: 1/12/1971

EP 265: THE GRUN INCIDENT - The secretaries are fighting for liberation, but Drysdale refuses to listen. The Clampetts see the girls protesting, and the girls think they are a goon squad—strike breakers. After Granny and Elly hear the story, they take the side of Grun. The secretaries decide to go to the Clampetts, but Drysdale tricks them and locks them in his office. Aired: 1/19/1971

EP 266: WOMEN'S LIB - Granny and Elly have decided to support the women’s lib movement, since Jethro treats them like servants. Each time Jed tries to make it better, Jethro ends up messing it up and upsetting the women even more. At the bank, the secretaries continue to fight for liberation, but Drysdale has decided to challenge them as well. Aired: 1/26/1971

EP 267: THE TEAHOUSE OF JED CLAMPETT - As Jed and Jethro are waiting for Banzai’s Japanese girls to come, Elly and Granny are staying with Miss Jane and the women’s lib movement, where they are learning about life in an apartment. At the mansion, the guests arrive, and Jethro, trying to prove he is now Japanese, pronounces his L’s as R’s, and requests a karate chop, judo roll and sumo crush, thinking they are dishes, not moves to beat people up. Aired: 2/2/1971

EP 268: THE PALACE OF CLAMPETT SAN - The members of Women's Lib decide to teach Jed, Jethro and Drysdale a lesson after learning the glorious life they are leading at the Clampett mansion. Aired: 2/9/1971

EP 269: LIB AND LET LIB - Troubles are following everyone after the women’s lib movement ended. Elly and Granny return home to the mansion, while Jethro still believes he is Japanese and the women should serve him because women should wait on man. And at the bank, the secretaries are working on better working conditions, but get bullied by Banzai, who is trying to get new girls from Japan. Aired: 2/16/1971

EP 270: ELLY, THE WORKING GIRL - Elly gets a job as a secretary at Mr. Drysdale’s bank to ensure proper treatment of the girls working there. But Granny makes her look like a flapper and teaches her wiggle walking, eye rolling and lap setting. Drysdale throws her out, but after he realizes it is his largest depositor’s daughter, brings her back. Aired: 2/23/1971

EP 271: ELLY, THE SECRETARY - The Clampetts receive a telegram that says Louellen Aden is coming out to California. When Jed tells Jethro about this, they figure out that she wants to marry Jethro. He gets scared and runs away. Meanwhile, Elly is learning to be a secretary, but is not very good at it. She and Miss Jane go to bring Louellen to the Clampett mansion, and the family learns that she has changed into a lovely young lady. Aired: 3/2/1971

EP 272: LOVE FINDS JANE HATHAWAY - Elly is starting her new job as a secretary, though not finding success in it. After Jane gets out some of her old typing books for Elly, Dick Bremerkamp, a tenant in her building and unemployed actor, sees the two girls and starts asking Finney about the gorgeous blonde. After Finney tells him all about it, he gets in good with Miss Jane by posing as an Autobahn and Drysdale by posing as a Getty. Aired: 3/9/1971

EP 273: THE CLAMPETTS MEET ROBERT AUDUBON GETTY CROCKETT - When Dick Bremerkamp learns more of Elly May's family and all their millions, he decides to pay them a visit as Robert A. Crockett. The Clampetts fall in love with this man as a potential husband for Elly May, just as Miss Jane is falling for him. Aired: 3/16/1971

EP 274: JETHRO RETURNS - Jethro finally returns from hiding out, as Granny is planning Elly's marriage to Robert Crockett. Everything seems to be going smoothly, until Elly and Robert drive to Vegas, and Elly learns that he thinks she loves him. In the end, the truth is revealed to everyone, and they learn who this mysterious Robert really is, an out-of-work actor. Aired: 3/23/1971

The Beverly Hillbillies Seasons 1-5

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