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Episode Guide - Season 2

Ep 1: Never Name a Duck Rob brings home two ducklings from the show, and Richie wants to keep them.

Ep 2: The Two Faces of Rob Rob disguises his voice on the phone as a practical joke, but Laura decides to play along.

Ep 3: The Attempted Marriage Rob recounts his hectic wedding days.

Ep 4: Bank Book 6565696 Rob discovers Laura has a secret bank account.

Ep 5: Hustling the Hustler Rob gets in over his head when he plays pool with a hustler.

Ep 6: My Husband Is Not a Drunk Rob is accidently hypnotized and acts drunk every time a bell rings.

Ep 7: What's in a Middle Name? Rob and Laura tell Richie how he got the middle name "Rosebud".

Ep 8: Like a Sister Rob worries that Sally is falling for an "Alan Brady Show" performer and tries to break it up.

Ep 9: The Night the Roof Fell In Two bad days lead to a worse night when Rob and Laura argue.

Ep 10: The Secret Life of Buddy and Sally Rob thinks Sally and Buddy are having an affair.

Ep 11: A Bird in the Head Hurts Rob and Laura wonder about Richie when he claims a woodpecker is attacking him.

Ep 12: Gesundheit, Darling Rob worries that he's allergic to his own wife.

Ep 13: A Man's Teeth Are Not His Own Rob worries that Jerry will find out he went to a different dentist.

Ep 14: Somebody Has to Play Cleopatra Rob recalls directing the PTA show with Laura in the starring role.

Ep 15: The Cat Burglar A cat burglar is on the prowl, and Rob and Laura think they're the target.

Ep 16: The Foul Weather Girl Laura gets jealous when Rob spends too much time trying to help an old friend break into showbusiness.

Ep 17: Will You Two Be My Wife? Buddy and Sally discovers Rob's memoir and discover there was a woman before Laura.

Ep 18: Ray Murdock's X-Ray Rob describes Laura as a nut on TV...

Ep 19: I Was a Teenage Head Writer Rob recalls how he became head writer and how Buddy and Sally really were.

Ep 20: It May Look Like a Walnut! Rob falls asleep with a sci-fi movie on and gets visited by an alien from another planet.

Ep 21: My Husband Is a Check-Grabber Rob's check-grabbing habit makes Laura mad.

Ep 22: Don't Trip Over That Mountain Rob tries to hide his skiing injury from Laura, who told him not to go.

Ep 23: Give Me Your Walls! Rob and Laura try to get rid of their painter who eccentric behavior causes problems.

Ep 24: The Sam Pomerantz Scandals Rob, Laura and the office gang put together a variety show to help an old friend.

Ep 25: The Square Triangle Rob and Laura both feel responsible for breaking up a French star's marriage.

Ep 26: I'm Not Henry Walden! Rob is invited to a fancy dinner party for writers, only to discover he's the only comedy writer there!

Ep 27: Racy Tracy Rattigan A guest host takes a liking to Laura and drives Rob wild.

Ep 28: Divorce Rob gets caught in the middle when Buddy decides to divorce Pickles.

Ep 29: It's a Shame She Married Me Rob tries to hide Laura from a big-wig she used to date and who happens to be a sponsor for "The Alan Brady Show".

Ep 30: A Surprise Surprise Is a Surprise Laura tries to give Rob a surprise birthday party.

Ep 31: Jilting the Jilter Sally dates a comedian who never paid Rob and Buddy for writing his material.

Ep 32: When a Bowling Pin Talks, Listen Rob writes a sketch, only to discover another comedy show did almost the exact same thing!

The Dick Van Dyke Show - The Complete Series

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