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Episode Guide - Season 1

Ep 1: The Addams Family Goes to School - Sam Hilliard, a truant officer, shows up at the Addams family home, due to the fact that Pugsley and Wednesday are not attending school. Soon he discovers he's dealing with no typical everyday family. Later, Gomez and Morticia agree to enroll Wednesday and Pugsley in school but make a shocking discovery, fairy tale violence.

Ep 2: Morticia and the Psychiatrist - Gomez and Morticia are shocked when Pugsley joins the Boy Scouts, begins playing baseball and even gets a puppy. Fearing something is wrong, they turn to a psychiatrist, who begins to analyze the boy and makes the suggestion to Gomez and Morticia that they should cater to his every whim.

Ep 3: Fester's Punctured Romance - Uncle Fester puts an ad in the personals column and when he doesn't get an immediate response he's heartbroken. Later, the Addams family mistakes a cosmetics saleswoman as a respondent to the ad.

Ep 4: Gomez, the Politician - Sam Hilliard, the ex-truant officer, is running for city council. This puts Gomez in the campaign mood, and he decides to offer financial support. However, Hilliard soon finds that winning the election with the Addams family on his side may be quite a challenge.

Ep 5: The Addams Family Tree - Pugsley and Wednesday get into a fight over families, with their friend Harold, who says that his family is better than their family. This prompts the Addams family to look back in their family tree.

Ep 6: Morticia Joins the Ladies League - Gomez and Pugsley visit an old friend of the family, who owns a circus. There, Pugsley befriends Gorgo the Gorilla who later escapes and follows Pugsley home. Meanwhile, Morticia has hopes of joining the Ladies League.

Ep 7: Halloween with the Addams Family - The Addams family has prepared for an evening of fright, for it is their favorite holiday, Halloween. As Gomez carves the jack-o-lantern and Grandmama takes Pugsley and Wednesday out for a night of trick-or-treating, two bank robbers, on the run from the police, decide to hide out at the Addams home.

Ep 8: Green-Eyed Gomez - Lionel Barker, an old friend of Morticia stops by the Addams home with more on his mind than just a friendly visit. Barker is a con man and intends to con the family out of some money. However, the only thing he is successful in doing is making Gomez green with envy.

Ep 9: The New Neighbors Meet the Addams Family - Gomez and Morticia are excited with the fact that a newlywed couple, Amanda and Hubert Peterson, has moved in next door. However, the Petersons are anything but happy with their new home, especially when they discover that it is owned by the Addams family.

Ep 10: Wednesday Leaves Home - When Wednesday is caught playing with Uncle Fester's dynamite caps, Gomez and Morticia punish her by forbidding her to play with her pet spider Homer. This leads the angry young lady to run away from home, or at least make it look like she has run away.

Ep 11: The Addams Family Meet the V.I.P.'s - Mr. Harris, a govenment agent has been hosting a couple of visiting dignitaries who want to see a "typical" American family. Chosen randomly out a phone book, the digniatries choose none other than the Addams family.

Ep 12: Morticia, the Matchmaker - Cousin Melancholia stops by the Addams residence seeking a place to stay to get herself back together after her fiancee leaves her to join the Foreign Legion. To help cheer her up, Morticia plays matchmaker and decides to try fixing her up with an eligable bachelor.

Ep 13: Lurch Learns to Dance - Gomez and Morticia are concerned when Lurch refuses to go to the annual Butler's Ball. After some probing, they soon learn the reason, Lurch can't dance. After a horrible experience with a dance instructress, Gomez, Morticia and Wednesday try to help him by teaching him how to dance.

Ep 14: Art and the Addams Family - Grandmama takes up painting and when Gomez has an art critic, Bosley Swain, take a look at her work, he suggests that she have a teacher. Grandmama contacts Picasso, that is oddball, Sam Picasso, who flys in but Swain soon labels him a crook. The Addams family soon tries to prove Swain wrong and forces Picasso to paint a masterpiece.

Ep 15: The Addams Family Meets a Beatnik - A beatnik named "Rocky" Cartwright crashes his motorcycle in the front yard of the Addams' home and they take him in to recuperate. Soon they find themselves charmed by the young man who seems to be hiding from his rich tycoon of a father who doesn't accept him.

Ep 16: The Addams Family Meets the Undercover Man - Hollister, an undercover operative has picked up strange radio signals coming from the Addams house. Convinced the family are spies he decides to hire a recruit to enter the Addams home to find out the source of the signals. However, soon both of his recruits, Mr. Briggs, the postman and Mr. Conkey, the plumber get an eyeful of the Addams family.

Ep 17: Mother Lurch Visits the Addams Family - When Lurch's mother sends him a letter stating that she's coming for a visit, Lurch confesses to Gomez and Morticia that she doesn't know that he's just the servant. In an effort to save his pride, Mortica comes up with a plan, where she would pose as the maid and Gomez as the butler. However, her plan soon goes awry.

Ep 18: Uncle Fester's Illness - Gomez and Morticia and the rest of the family are all excited about an upcoming weekend outing. However, everyone is let down when Uncle Fester apparently has come down with a mysterious ailment. The family soon takes measures to try to cure Uncle Fester so he can come along on the outing.

Ep 19: The Addams Family Splurges - Gomez and Morticia are planning their next family vacation and decide to go somewhere they've never been. They agree that a trip to the moon would be heavenly and consult Wizzo, a computer that Gomez and Pugsley have built, to see how much it would cost. The family soon comes up with a plan to pay for the trip, betting on horses.

Ep 20: Cousin Itt Visits the Addams Family - Gomez and Morticia are excited when they get a letter in the mail from Cousin Itt who says he will be stopping by for a visit. During hus visit, Morticia thinks that the family should try to get Itt a job, so he will stay around longer. This leads to Itt getting a job at the zoo, however the zoo commissioner is under the impression that Itt is an exhibit.

Ep 21: The Addams Family in Court - Gomez and Morticia return from a bat hunt and discover that Grandmama, going by the name of Madama Bovary, has begun telling people's fortunes in a giant tent in the living room. Just as Morticia forbids her to go on telling fortunes, a police officer walks in and arrests Grandmama. Soon, the entire family comes to court to help defend Grandmama.

Ep 22: Amnesia in the Addams Family - Gomez begins a new exercise routine, juggling indian clubs. However, when he hits himself in the head with the clubs, he comes down with a bad case of amnesia. His amnesia turns him into a "normal" person and begins thinking that the family is trying to kill him, when they try to cure his amnesia by hitting him in the head again.

Ep 23: Thing is Missing - After a falling out with Uncle Fester, Thing suddenly disappears. Morticia becomes concerned and begins to belive that Thing may have met with foul play. Later, a ransom note shows up at the Addams front door and Gomez hires a private detective, Sam Diamond to crack the case.

Ep 24: Crisis in the Addams Family - While playing in the play room, Uncle Fester breaks the water mains, for the fourth time in a row. Later, he feels bad when he discovers that the Addams insurance policy has been canceled due to his antics. This leads to him going out and getting a job to pay for a new policy as an insurance salesman.

Ep 25: Lurch and His Harpsichord - Lurch' s harpsichord turns out to be a rare survivor of an extinct make, so Gomez is persuaded to donate it to the local museum. Lurch is left inconsolable, so the family attempts to get him interested in other pursuits, like drums and needlepoint to no avail. Finally, Gomez and Fester come up with ultimate plan, they build Lurch a replacement.

Ep 26: Morticia, the Breadwinner - The bottom has fallen out of the stock market and the newspapers indicate thousands of people have gone broke. Morticia overhears Gomez on the phone with his broker and jumps to the conclusion that the family has lost all of their money. This leads her to rally the family together to cook up ways to earn money.

Ep 27: The Addams Family and the Spacemen - Pugsley has been having fun setting off homemade rockets. However, this has prompted neighbors to call into MSO (Mysterious Space Objects), to report unidentified flying objects. This leads two investigators to check out the situation and soon become conviced the Addams family are Martians.

Ep 28: My Son, the Chimp - An organ grinder's chimp wanders into Addams home and quickly becomes Pugsley's friend. Meanwhile, Uncle Fester has been busy conjuring spirits in the playroom. During one of his spells, Uncle Fester causes an explosion which knocks Pugsley through a wall and into a secret room. Uncle Fester soon believes he turned Pugsley into the chimp.

Ep 29: Morticia's Favorite Charity - The local charity bazaar has the Addams family getting in the spirit of giving. Mr. Henson, the Addams' ex-insurance man is putting the bazaar together and is horrified when he discovers they are planning to donate. Meanwhile, Uncle Fester, Pugsley and Thing each are finding it hard to part with their possessions.

Ep 30: Progress and the Addams Family - Mr. Henson, the family's ex-insurance man has become the city Commissioner and he has condems the Addams home with hopes of evict them and build a freeway in its place. However, as usual Henson soon realizes getting rid of the Addams family is easier said than done.

Ep 31: Uncle Fester's Toupee - Uncle Fester is not looking forward to the fact that his pen pal from Paris, Illinois is coming for a visit. It seems that he told her that he stretched the truth and described himself as a a "Cary Grant" type. This leads Gomez and Morticia to try to cure his fears and they fit him for a hairpiece.

Ep 32: Cousin Itt and the Vocational Counselor - Cousin Itt has been down in the dumps lately and Gomez and Morticia feel that he should begin looking for a career to occupy his time. After a failed attempt at marriage counseling, Gomez and Morticia bring in a vocational counselor to assist with finding the perfect career for Itt.

Ep 33: Lurch, the Teenage Idol - Lurch's singing while playing his harpsichord gets Gomez and Morticia's attention who believe he could be a pop sensation, so they call a record promoter. Lurch soon becomes a teen idol when his record hits the airwaves and the Addams home is soon invaded by swooning teenage girls.

Ep 34: The Winning of Morticia Addams - When Uncle Fester reads an article in a magazine that indicates that the happiest of marriages are the ones at most risk for resulting in divorces. Seeing Gomez and Morticia so happy leads him to try to start a fight between the two. When this doesn't work, he tries to drive a wedge between the two when he introduces another man for Morticia into the situation.

***** The Addams Family - The Complete Series

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