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One Day at a Time Season 5

A middle-aged divorcée copes with a new job and two teens.

Season Five

Aired Sundays

1979-09-30: Back to School. Ann feels undereducated when Barbara starts college. Julie: Mackenzie Phillips. Schneider: Pat Harrington. Guests: Professor Bradley: Ivor Francis. Elliott Newcombe: Steven A. Anderson. Lynn: Karen Knotts.
1979-10-07: Pressure. Barbara's boyfriend gives her the choice of accommodating his sexual demands or losing him. Barbara: Valerie Bertinelli. Ann: Bonnie Franklin. Guest: Brad: Bob Harders.
1979-10-14: Julie's Wedding. Julie returns from a ski trip with a fiancé. First of two parts. Michael Lembeck joins the cast as a regular. Ann: Bonnie Franklin. Max: Michael Lembeck. Barbara: Valerie Bertinelli. Guests: Fred: Morgan Stevens. Cabbie: Michael Goldfinger.
1979-10-21: Julie's Wedding. Conclusion. Best man Max insists that his amorous intentions toward Julie are honorable. Julie: Mackenzie Phillips. Grandma Romano: Nanette Fabray. Ann: Bonnie Franklin. Schneider: Pat Harrington. Barbara: Valerie Bertinelli. Guests: Fred: Morgan Stevens. Minister: George Pentecost. Emily: Peggy Rea.
1979-10-28: Home Again, Home Again. Julie and Max return from their honeymoon to learn that Max is laid off. Max: Michael Lembeck. Julie: Mackenzie Phillips. Ann: Bonnie Franklin. Barbara: Valerie Bertinelli. Schneider: Pat Harrington. Guests: Minister: George Pentecost. Fred: Morgan Stevens. Emily: Peggy Rea.
1979-11-04: Between Mother and Daughter. A psychiatrist recommends a heart-to-heart talk to take the heat out of Ann's relationship with her mother. Ann: Bonnie Franklin. Julie: Mackenzie Phillips. Barbara: Valerie Bertinelli. Schneider: Pat Harrington. Guests: Psychiatrist: Bruce Solomon. Waiter: Joseph Sicari. First Woman: Helen Kleeb. Second Woman: Nedra Volz.
1979-11-11: Small Wonder. Barbara hires a genetics tutor, unaware of his obvious shortcomings. Ann: Bonnie Franklin. Barbara: Valerie Bertinelli. Julie: Mackenzie Phillips. Schneider: Pat Harrington. Guests: Ted Loomis: David Coburn. Scott: Kevin O'Brien. Waitress: Cam Roberts. Joe: John Fragnoli.
1979-11-25: Et Tu Ann. Ann pressures her assistant into working on a Saturday night---at her place. Julie: Mackenzie Phillips. Max: Michael Lembeck. Barbara: Valerie Bertinelli. Schneider: Pat Harrington. Guest: Connors: John Hillerman.
1979-12-02: A Little Larceny. Barbara tries to earn money by selling football betting cards. Ann: Bonnie Franklin. Schneider: Pat Harrington. Julie: Mackenzie Phillips. Max: Michael Lembeck. Guests: Captain: Dana Elcar ("MacGyver"). Parsons: Terry Kiser. Desk Sergeant: Ernie Hudson.
1979-12-09: The Heart Attack. After rushing out to yet another appointment, Ann suffers a heart attack. Julie: Mackenzie Phillips. Barbara: Valerie Bertinelli. Schneider: Pat Harrington. Guests: Dr. Bradshaw: Yvonne Wilder.
1979-12-16: Male Jealousy. A feud erupts between Schneider and Max for male dominance in the household. Ann: Bonnie Franklin. Schneider: Pat Harrington. Max: Michael Lembeck. Julie: Mackenzie Phillips. Barbara: Valerie Bertinelli.
1979-12-30: Happy New Year II. The folks at the retirement hotel con the Romano clan into giving another New Year's show. Ann: Bonnie Franklin. Barbara: Valerie Bertinelli. Schneider: Pat Harrington. Guests: Grandma Romano: Nanette Fabray. Emily: Nedra Volz. Orville: Dick O'Neill. Glenda: Helen Kleeb.
1980-01-06: Schneider the Model. Schneider's chat with a newscaster lands him a job as a model. Schneider: Pat Harrington. Barbara: Valerie Bertinelli. Guest: Dudley Grant: Bo Kaprall.
1980-01-27: Triple Play. A fast-talking insurance man makes a triple play for Barbara, Ann and Grandma Romano. Ann: Bonnie Franklin. Barbara: Valerie Bertinelli. Guests: Katherine Romano: Nanette Fabray. Bates: Rick Lenz.
1980-02-03: So Long, Mom. Ann is forced to think of living alone for the first time in her life. Barbara: Valerie Bertinelli. Schneider: Pat Harrington. Max: Michael Lembeck. Note: Mackenzie Phillips did not appear in this episode.
1980-02-10: Old Horizons. Grandma Romano moves into Ann's building and finds a job in her office. Ann: Bonnie Franklin. Barbara: Valerie Bertinelli. Schneider: Pat Harrington. Guests: Connors: John Hillerman. Harry Barofsky: Barney Phillips. Katherine Romano: Nanette Fabray.
1980-02-17: Endless Elliot. Barbara is harassed by an overzealous suitor (Steven Anderson). Ann: Bonnie Franklin. Schneider: Pat Harrington. Guest: Elliot Newcombe: Steven Anderson.
1980-02-24: Retrospective. The family's years in the apartment are remembered when Schneider brings news of possible condominium conversion. Part 1 of two. Ann: Bonnie Franklin. Schneider: Pat Harrington. Barbara: Valerie Bertinelli. Julie: Mackenzie Phillips. Archive Footage: David: Richard Masur. Ed: Joseph Campanella. Ginny: Mary Louise Wilson.
1980-02-24: Retrospective. Conclusion. The family continues to reminisce about years spent in the apartment. Ann: Bonnie Franklin. Schneider: Pat Harrington. Julie: Mackenzie Phillips. Barbara: Valerie Bertinelli. Archive Footage: David: Richard Masur.
1980-03-02: Girl with a Past. Barbara feels compelled to tell Bob about his new girlfriend's former exploits. Barbara: Valerie Bertinelli. Ann: Bonnie Franklin. Schneider: Pat Harrington. Julie: Mackenzie Phillips. Barbara: Valerie Bertinelli. Max: Michael Lembeck. Guests: Claudia: Amy Gibson. Bob Morton: John Putch.
1980-03-09: The Perils of Plastic. A binge of credit-card spending leads Max and Julie (Mackenzie Phillips) to insolvency. Ann: Bonnie Franklin. Schneider: Pat Harrington. Barbara: Valerie Bertinelli. Julie: Mackenzie Phillips. Guest: Waiter: Joseph R. Sicari. Repossession Man: Stanley Brock.
1980-03-16: No Laughing Matter. After Schneider's rebuff during an outing to a comedy club, Ann brings home a footloose funny man (Charlie Brill). Ann: Bonnie Franklin. Schneider: Pat Harrington. Barbara: Valerie Bertinelli. Guests: Roberta: Lee Crawford. Waitress: Peggy Frees. Funny Man: Charlie Brill.
1980-03-23: Connor's Crisis. Ann's boss is disconsolate after his wife leaves him. Ann: Bonnie Franklin. Schneider: Pat Harrington. Guests: Mr. Connors: John Hillerman. Waiter: William Pierson. Tina: Barbara Sharma.
1980-03-30: Grecian Yearn. Ann's favorite professor offers her love and companionship. Ann: Bonnie Franklin. Barbara: Valerie Bertinelli. Guests: Elliott: Steven A. Anderson. Girl: Sally Julian.
1980-04-06: Pen Pals. Schneider's cellmate from a gambling bust shows up and wants first-class treatment. Schneider: Pat Harrington. Ann: Bonnie Franklin. Barbara: Valerie Bertinelli. Max: Michael Lembeck. Guests: Parsons: Terry Kiser. Mel: Marty Zagon.
1980-04-13: The Spirit Is Willing. Schneider is left impotent by a girlfriend's heart attack. Ann: Bonnie Franklin. Barbara: Valerie Bertinelli. Max: Michael Lembeck. Guests: Cynthia: Terri Ralston. Lady: Bella Bruck.
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