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Eat More Potassium!

Here’s how many milligrams (mg) of potassium you'll get from these potassium-rich foods:

Potatoes, with Skin (1 potato = 1,081 mg, 23% DV)
Avocados (1 avocado = 975 mg, 21% DV)
Lima Beans (1 cup = 955 mg, 20% DV)
Winter Squash (1 cup = 896 mg, 19% DV)
Acorn Squash: 1 cup: 896 milligrams
Sweet Potato, Cooked with Skin (5” sweet potato = 855 mg, 18% DV)
Spinach: 1 cup cooked: 839 milligrams
Wild-Caught Salmon: ½ filet: 772 milligrams
Dried Apricots: ½ cup: 756 milligrams
Sweet potato, medium, baked with skin: 694 mg
Pomegranate: 1 whole: 667 milligrams
Prunes, AKA Dried Plums (1/2 cup = 637 mg, 14% DV)
Potato, medium, baked with skin: 610 mg
Coconut Water (1 cup = 600 mg, 13% DV)
White beans, canned, drained, half cup: 595 mg
Yogurt, fat-free, 1 cup: 579 mg
Brussels Sprouts, Cooked (1 cup = 504 mg, 11% DV)
White Beans: ½ cup: 502 mg
Halibut, 3 ounces, cooked: 490 mg
100% orange juice, 8 ounces: 496 mg
Milk (1 cup = 496 mg, 11% DV)
Cantaloupe (1 cup = 494 mg, 11% DV)
Banana: 1 large: 487 milligrams
Broccoli, 1 cup, cooked: 457 mg
Beets (1 cup = 442 mg, 9% DV)
Cantaloupe, cubed, 1 cup: 431 mg
Fresh Tomatoes (1 cup = 427 mg, 9%) and Tomato Products such as Canned Sauce (1 cup = 909 mg, 19% DV)
Bananas (1 medium banana = 422 mg, 9% DV)
Apricots, Dried (10 halves = 407 mg, 9% DV)
Honeydew Melons (1 cup = 388 mg, 8% DV)
Pork tenderloin, 3 ounces, cooked: 382 mg
Lentils, half cup, cooked: 366 mg
Milk, 1% low fat, 8 ounces: 366 mg
Salmon, farmed Atlantic, 3 ounces, cooked: 326 mg
Raisins (1.5 ounce box of raisins = 322 mg, 7% DV)
Pistachios, shelled, 1 ounce, dry roasted: 295 mg
Yogurt, Plain (½ cup = 290 mg, 6% DV)
Nectarines (1 nectarine = 287 mg, 6% DV)
Dates, Dried (5 dates = 271 mg, 6% DV)
Figs, Dried (2 figs = 271 mg, 6% DV)
Peanuts, Dry Roasted & Unsalted (¼ cup = 257 mg, 5% DV)
Raisins, quarter cup: 250 mg
Oranges (1 orange = 237 mg, 5% DV; 1 cup orange juice = 496 mg, 11% DV)
Chicken breast, 3 ounces, cooked: 218 mg
Kiwifruit (1 medium kiwi = 215 mg, 5% DV)
Pears (1 pear = 206 mg, 4% DV)
Tuna, light, canned, drained, 3 ounces: 201 mg
Spinach (1 cup raw = 167 mg, 3% DV, 1 cup cooked = 840 mg, 18% DV)

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
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