Hexadecimal HTML | ALT+Decimal | Glyph | Description |
À | 0192 | À | À Latin Capital A with grave |
à | 0224 | à | à Latin Lower A with grave |
 | 0194 |  |  Latin Capital A with circumflex |
â | 0226 | â | â Latin Lower A with circumflex |
Æ | 0198 | Æ | Æ Latin Capital ASH or AE Ligature |
æ | 0230 | æ | æ Latin Lower ASH or AE Ligature |
Ç | 0199 | Ç | Ç Latin Capital C with cedilla |
ç | 0231 | ç | ç Latin Lower C with cedilla |
È | 0200 | È | È Latin Capital E with grave |
è | 0232 | è | è Latin Lower E with grave |
É | 0201 | É | É Latin Capital EH or E with acute |
é | 0233 | é | é Latin Lower EH or E with acute |
Ê | 0202 | Ê | Ê Latin Capital E with circumflex |
ê | 0234 | ê | ê Latin Lower E with circumflex |
Ë | 0203 | Ë | Ë Latin Capital E with diaeresis |
ë | 0235 | ë | ë Latin Lower E with diaeresis |
Î | 0206 | Î | Î Latin Capital I with circumflex |
î | 0238 | î | î Latin Lower I with circumflex |
Ï | 0207 | Ï | Ï Latin Capital I with diaeresis |
ï | 0239 | ï | ï Latin Lower I with diaeresis |
Œ is non-standard! use Œ instead! | |||
Œ | 0338 | Œ | Œ Latin Capital ETHEL or Ligature OE |
œ is non-standard! use œ instead! | |||
œ | 0339 | œ | œ Latin Small ETHEL or Ligature OE |
Ô | 0212 | Ô | Ô Latin Capital O with circumflex |
ô | 0244 | ô | ô Latin Lower O with circumflex |
Ù | 0217 | Ù | Ù Latin Capital U with grave |
ù | 0249 | ù | ù Latin Lower U with grave |
Û | 0219 | Û | Û Latin Capital U with circumflex |
û | 0251 | û | û Latin Lower U with circumflex |
Ü | 0220 | Ü | Ü Latin Capital U with diaeresis |
ü | 0252 | ü | ü Latin Lower U with diaeresis |
« | 0171 | « | « Left-pointing double angle quotation mark or left pointing guillemet |
» | 0187 | » | » Right-pointing double angle quotation mark or right pointing guillemet |
€ is non-standard! use € instead! | |||
€ | 8364 | € | € Euro sign |
₣ | 8355 | ₣ | French Franc |
For French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, etc., see http://www.starr.net/is/type/altnum.htm
For most other langauges, see http://www.typeit.org
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