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Miscellaneous Characters

A listing of UNICODE Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
‌8204‌ zero width non-joiner
‍8205‍ zero width joiner
‎8206‎ left-to-right mark
‏8207‏ right-to-left mark
ⁿ8319Superscript N
ℑ8465ℑ blackletter capital I = imaginary part
№8470number word
℘8472℘ script capital P = power set = Weierstrass p
ℜ8476ℜ blackletter capital R = real part symbol
ℵ8501ℵ alef symbol = first transfinite cardinal
←8592← leftwards arrow
↑8593↑ upwards arrow
→8594→ rightwards arrow
↓8595↓ downwards arrow
↔8596↔ left right arrow
↵8629↵ downwards arrow with corner leftwards = carriage return
⇐8656⇐ leftwards double arrow
⇑8657⇑ upwards double arrow
⇒8658⇒ rightwards double arrow
⇓8659⇓ downwards double arrow
⇔8660⇔ left right double arrow
∀8704∀ for all
∂8706∂ partial differential
∃8707∃ there exists
∅8709∅ empty set = null set = diameter
∇8711∇ nabla = backward difference
∈8712∈ element of
∉8713∉ not an element of
∋8715∋ contains as member
∏8719∏ n-ary product = product sign
∑8721∑ n-ary sumation
∗8727∗ asterisk operator
∝8733∝ proportional to
∠8736∠ angle
∧8743∧ logical and = wedge
∨8744∨ logical or = vee
∩8745∩ intersection = cap
∪8746∪ union = cup
∫8747∫ integral
∴8756∴ therefore
∼8764∼ tilde operator = varies with = similar to
⊂8834⊂ subset of
⊃8835⊃ superset of
⊄8836⊄ not a subset of
⊆8838⊆ subset of or equal to
⊇8839⊇ superset of or equal to
⊕8853⊕ circled plus = direct sum
⊗8855⊗ circled times = vector product
⊥8869⊥ up tack = orthogonal to = perpendicular
⋅8901⋅ dot operator
⌈8968⌈ left ceiling = apl upstile
⌉8969⌉ right ceiling
⌊8970⌊ left floor = apl downstile
⌋8971⌋ right floor
〈9001⟨ left-pointing angle bracket = bra
〉9002⟩ right-pointing angle bracket = ket
◊9674◊ lozenge
☀9728sunshine - sun
☁9729cloudy - cloud
☂9730raining - rain
☃9731snow - snowman
★9733star solid
☆9734star outline
☊9738ascending node
☋9739descending node
☎9742phone number - phone service
☏9743phone symbol outline
♠9824♠ black spade suit
♣9827♣ black club suit = shamrock
♥9829♥ black heart suit = valentine
♦9830♦ black diamond suit
𝅝119133𝅝whole note
𝅗𝅥119134𝅗𝅥half note
𝅘𝅥119135𝅘𝅥quarter note
𝅘𝅥𝅮119136𝅘𝅥𝅮eighth note
𝅘𝅥𝅯119137𝅘𝅥𝅯sixteenth note
𝅘𝅥𝅰119138𝅘𝅥𝅰thirty-second note
𝅘𝅥𝅱119139𝅘𝅥𝅱sixth-fourth note
𝅘𝅥𝅲119140𝅘𝅥𝅲128th note
♩9833quarter note
♪9834eighth note
♬9836two eighth notes
✔10004Check Mark
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