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Compound Consonant Diagraphs

Compound Consonant Digraphs

These are groups of two or three consonants in words that makes a distinct consonant sound.

ch, ph (the "f" sound), sh, th, wh

Consonant Blends

These are groups of two or three consonants in words that blends to or more consonants together before or after a vowel or in between vowels. Sometimes one or both letters are silent. In the letter "Q"'s case, the letter "u" is next to it acting as a silent consonant instead of a vowel.

Consonant blends include bl, br, ck, cl, cr, dg, dj, dr, fl, fr, gh, gl, gr, kn, ng, pl, pr, qu (the "kw" sound), sc, sch, sk, sl, sm, sn, sp, spl, st, sw, tch, tr, tw, wr.

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