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Letters A-Z Sorted By Letter

A listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
A0065ALatin Capital A
a0097aLatin Lower A
Á0193ÁÁ Latin Capital A with acute
á0225áá Latin Lower A with acute
Ă0258ĂLatin Capital A with breve
ă0259ăLatin Lower A with breve
Ắ7854Latin Capital A with breve and acute
ắ7855Latin Lower A with breve and acute
Ặ7862Latin Capital A with breve and dot below
ặ7863Latin Lower A with breve and dot below
Ằ7856Latin Capital A with breve and grave
ằ7857Latin Lower A with breve and grave
Ẳ7858Latin Capital A with breve and hook above
ẳ7859Latin Lower A with breve and hook above
Ẵ7860Latin Capital A with breve and tilde
ẵ7861Latin Lower A with breve and tilde
Ǎ0461ǍLatin Capital A with caron
ǎ0462ǎLatin Lower A with caron
Â0194ÂÂ Latin Capital A with circumflex
â0226ââ Latin Lower A with circumflex
Ấ7844Latin Capital A with circumflex and acute
ấ7845Latin Lower A with circumflex and acute
Ậ7852Latin Capital A with circumflex and dot below
ậ7853Latin Lower A with circumflex and dot below
Ầ7846Latin Capital A with circumflex and grave
ầ7847Latin Lower A with circumflex and grave
Ẩ7848Latin Capital A with circumflex and hook above
ẩ7849Latin Lower A with circumflex and hook above
Ẫ7850Latin Capital A with circumflex and tilde
ẫ7851Latin Lower A with circumflex and tilde
Ä0196ÄÄ Latin Capital A with diaeresis
ä0228ää Latin Lower A with diaeresis
Ǟ0478ǞLatin Capital A with diaeresis and macron
ǟ0479ǟLatin Lower A with diaeresis and macron
Ȧ0550ȦLatin Capital A with dot above
ȧ0551ȧLatin Lower A with dot above
Ǡ0480ǠLatin Capital A with dot above and macron
ǡ0481ǡLatin Lower A with dot above and macron
Ạ7840Latin Capital A with dot below
ạ7841Latin Lower A with dot below
Ȁ0512ȀLatin Capital A with double grave
ȁ0513ȁLatin Lower A with double grave
À0192ÀÀ Latin Capital A or AH with grave
à0224àà Latin Lower A or AH with grave
Ả7842Latin Capital A with hook above
ả7843Latin Lower A with hook above
Ȃ0514ȂLatin Capital A with inverted breve
ȃ0515ȃLatin Lower A with inverted breve
Ā0256ĀLatin Capital A with macron
ā0257āLatin Lower A with macron
Ą0260ĄLatin Capital A with ogonek
ą0261ąLatin Lower A with ogonek
ẚ7834Latin Lower A with right half ring
Å0197ÅÅ Latin Capital A with ring above
å0229åå Latin Lower A with ring above
Ǻ0506ǺLatin Capital A with ring above and acute
ǻ0507ǻLatin Lower A with ring above and acute
Ḁ7680Latin Capital A with ring below
ḁ7681Latin Lower A with ring below
Ⱥ0570ȺLatin Capital A with stroke
Ã0195ÃÃ Latin Capital A with tilde
ã0227ãã Latin Lower A with tilde
À OR A GRAVE (AH is needed for certain words and names to be pronounced as intended) listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
À0192ÀÀ Latin Capital A or AH with grave
à0224àà Latin Lower A or AH with grave
B listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
B0066BLatin Capital B
b0098bLatin Lower B
Ƃ0386ƂLatin Capital B with bar
ƃ0387ƃLatin Lower B with bar
Ḃ7682Latin Capital B with dot above
ḃ7683Latin Lower B with dot above
Ḅ7684Latin Capital B with dot below
ḅ7685Latin Lower B with dot below
Ɓ0385ƁLatin Capital B with hook
ɓ0595ɓLatin Lower B with hook
Ḇ7686Latin Capital B with line below
ḇ7687Latin Lower B with line below
Ƀ0579ɃLatin Capital B with stroke
ƀ0384ƀLatin Lower B with stroke
C listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
C0067CLatin Capital C
c0099cLatin Lower C
Ć0262ĆLatin Capital C with acute
ć0263ćLatin Lower C with acute
Č0268ČLatin Capital C with caron
č0269čLatin Lower C with caron
Ç0199ÇÇ Latin Capital EK or C with cedilla
ç0231çç Latin Lower EK or C with cedilla
Ḉ7688Latin Capital C with cedilla and acute
ḉ7689Latin Lower C with cedilla and acute
Ĉ0264ĈLatin Capital C with circumflex
ĉ0265ĉLatin Lower C with circumflex
ɕ0597ɕLatin Lower C with curl
Ċ0266ĊLatin Capital C with dot above
ċ0267ċLatin Lower C with dot above
Ƈ0391ƇLatin Capital C with hook
ƈ0392ƈLatin Lower C with hook
Ȼ0571ȻLatin Capital C with stroke
ȼ0572ȼLatin Lower C with stroke
C̃ OR C TILDE (KEY) listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
C̃0067 (C)
Latin Capital KEY or C with tilde
c̃0099 (c)
Latin Lower KEY or C with tilde
Ç OR C CEDILLA (EK is needed for certain words and names to be pronounced as intended) listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
Ç0199ÇÇ Latin Capital EK or C with cedilla
ç0231çç Latin Lower EK or C with cedilla
Cₕ OR C WITH SMALL LETTER H (CHAY) listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
Cₕ0067 (C)
CₕLatin Capital CHAY or C with small letter h on right
cₕ0099 (c)
cₕLatin Lower CHAY or C with small letter h on right
D listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
D0068DLatin Capital D
d0100dLatin Lower D
Ɖ0393ƉLatin Capital African D
Ƌ0395ƋLatin Capital D with bar
ƌ0396ƌLatin Lower D with bar
Ď0270ĎLatin Capital D with caron
ď0271ďLatin Lower D with caron
Ḑ7696Latin Capital D with cedilla
ḑ7697Latin Lower D with cedilla
Ḓ7698Latin Capital D with circumflex below
ḓ7699Latin Lower D with circumflex below
ȡ0545ȡLatin Lower D with curl
Ḋ7690Latin Capital D with dot above
ḋ7691Latin Lower D with dot above
Ḍ7692Latin Capital D with dot below
ḍ7693Latin Lower D with dot below
Ɗ0394ƊLatin Capital D with hook
ɗ0599ɗLatin Lower D with hook
Ḏ7694Latin Capital D with line below
ḏ7695Latin Lower D with line below
Đ0272ĐLatin Capital D with stroke
đ0273đLatin Lower D with stroke
ɖ0598ɖLatin Lower D with tail
E listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
E0069ELatin Capital E
e0101eLatin Lower E
É0201ÉÉ Latin Capital EH or E with acute
é0233éé Latin Lower EH or E with acute
Ĕ0276ĔLatin Capital E with breve
ĕ0277ĕLatin Lower E with breve
Ě0282ĚLatin Capital E with caron
ě0283ěLatin Lower E with caron
Ȩ0552ȨLatin Capital E with cedilla
ȩ0553ȩLatin Lower E with cedilla
Ḝ7708Latin Capital E with cedilla below
ḝ7709Latin Lower E with cedilla below
Ê0202ÊÊ Latin Capital E with circumflex
ê0234êê Latin Lower E with circumflex
Ế7870Latin Capital E with circumflex and acute
ế7871ếLatin Lower E with circumflex and acute
Ệ7878Latin Capital E with circumflex and dot below
ệ7879Latin Lower E with circumflex and dot below
Ề7872Latin Capital E with circumflex and grave
ề7873Latin Lower E with circumflex and grave
Ể7874Latin Capital E with circumflex and hook above
ể7875Latin Lower E with circumflex and hook above
Ễ7876Latin Capital E with circumflex and tilde
ễ7877Latin Lower E with circumflex and tilde
Ḙ7704Latin Capital E with circumflex below
ḙ7705Latin Lower E with circumflex below
Ë0203ËË Latin Capital E with diaeresis
ë0235ëë Latin Lower E with diaeresis
Ė0278ĖLatin Capital E with dot above
ė0279ėLatin Lower E with dot above
Ẹ7864Latin Capital E with dot below
ẹ7865Latin Lower E with dot below
Ȅ0516ȄLatin Capital E with double grave
ȅ0517ȅLatin Lower E with double grave
È0200ÈÈ Latin Capital E with grave
è0232èè Latin Lower E with grave
Ẻ7866Latin Capital E with hook above
ẻ7867Latin Lower E with hook above
Ȇ0518ȆLatin Capital E with inverted breve
ȇ0519ȇLatin Lower E with inverted breve
Ē0274ĒLatin Capital E with macron
ē0275ēLatin Lower E with macron
Ḗ7702Latin Capital E with macron and acute
ḗ7703Latin Lower E with macron and acute
Ḕ7700Latin Capital E with macron and grave
ḕ7701Latin Lower E with macron and grave
Ę0280ĘLatin Capital E with ogonek
ę0281ęLatin Lower E with ogonek
Ɇ0582ɆLatin Capital E with stroke
ɇ0583ɇLatin Lower E with stroke
Ẽ7868Latin Capital E with tilde
ẽ7869Latin Lower E with tilde
Ḛ7706Latin Capital E with tilde below
ḛ7707Latin Lower E with tilde below
É OR E ACUTE (EH is needed for certain words and names to be pronounced as intended) listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
É0201ÉÉ Latin Capital EH or E with acute
é0233éé Latin Lower EH or E with acute
F listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
F0070FLatin Capital F
f0102fLatin Lower F
Ḟ7710Latin Capital F with dot above
ḟ7711Latin Lower F with dot above
Ƒ0401ƑLatin Capital F with hook
ƒ0402ƒƒ Latin Lower F with hook or Dutch guilder aka florin
G listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
G0071GLatin Capital G
g0103gLatin Lower G
Ǵ0500ǴLatin Capital G with acute
ǵ0501ǵLatin Lower G with acute
Ğ0286ĞLatin Capital G with breve
ğ0287ğLatin Lower G with breve
Ǧ0486ǦLatin Capital G with caron
ǧ0487ǧLatin Lower G with caron
Ģ0290ĢLatin Capital G with cedilla
ģ0291ģLatin Lower G with cedilla
Ĝ0284ĜLatin Capital G with circumflex
ĝ0285ĝLatin Lower G with circumflex
Ġ0288ĠLatin Capital G with dot above
ġ0289ġLatin Lower G with dot above
Ɠ0403ƓLatin Capital G with hook
ɠ0608ɠLatin Lower G with hook
Ḡ7712Latin Capital G with macron
ḡ7713Latin Lower G with macron
Ǥ0484ǤLatin Capital G with stroke
ǥ0485ǥLatin Lower G with stroke
G̃ OR G TILDE (GHEE) listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
G̃0071 (C)
Latin Capital GHEE or G with tilde
g̃0103 (c)
Latin Lower GHEE or G with tilde
H listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
H0072HLatin Capital H
h0104hLatin Lower H
Ḫ7722Latin Capital H with breve below
ḫ7723Latin Lower H with breve below
Ȟ0542ȞLatin Capital H with caron
ȟ0543ȟLatin Lower H with caron
Ḩ7720Latin Capital H with cedilla
ḩ7721Latin Lower H with cedilla
Ĥ0292ĤLatin Capital H with circumflex
ĥ0293ĥLatin Lower H with circumflex
Ḧ7718Latin Capital H with diaeresis
ḧ7719Latin Lower H with diaeresis
Ḣ7714Latin Capital H with dot above
ḣ7715Latin Lower H with dot above
Ḥ7716Latin Capital H with dot below
ḥ7717Latin Lower H with dot below
ɦ0614ɦLatin Lower H with hook
ẖ7830Latin Lower H with line below
Ħ0294ĦLatin Capital H with stroke
ħ0295ħLatin Lower H with stroke
I listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
I0073ILatin Capital I
i0105iLatin Lower I (naturally has a dot above)
Í0205ÍÍ Latin Capital I with acute
í0237íí Latin Lower I with acute
Ĭ0300ĬLatin Capital I with breve
ĭ0301ĭLatin Lower I with breve
Ǐ0463ǏLatin Capital I with caron
ǐ0464ǐLatin Lower I with caron
Î0206ÎÎ Latin Capital I with circumflex
î0238îî Latin Lower I with circumflex
Ï0207ÏÏ Latin Capital I with diaeresis
ï0239ïï Latin Lower I with diaeresis
Ḯ7726Latin Capital I with diaeresis and acute
ḯ7727Latin Lower I with diaeresis and acute
İ0304İLatin Capital I with dot above
ı0305ıLatin Lower I with no dot
Ị7882Latin Capital I with dot below
ị7883Latin Lower I with dot below
Ȉ0520ȈLatin Capital I with double grave
ȉ0521ȉLatin Lower I with double grave
Ì0204ÌÌ Latin Capital I with grave
ì0236ìì Latin Lower I with grave
Ỉ7880Latin Capital I with hook above
ỉ7881Latin Lower I with hook above
Ȋ0522ȊLatin Capital I with inverted breve
ȋ0523ȋLatin Lower I with inverted breve
Ī0298ĪLatin Capital I with macron
ī0299īLatin Lower I with macron
Į0302ĮLatin Capital I with ogonek
į0303įLatin Lower I with ogonek
Ɨ0407ƗLatin Capital I with stroke
ɨ0616ɨLatin Lower I with stroke
Ĩ0296ĨLatin Capital I with tilde
ĩ0297ĩLatin Lower I with tilde
Ḭ7724Latin Capital I with tilde below
ḭ7725Latin Lower I with tilde below
J listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
J0074JLatin Capital J
j0106jLatin Lower J
J̌0074 (J)
Latin Capital J with caron
ǰ0496ǰLatin Lower J with caron
Ĵ0308ĴLatin Capital J with circumflex
ĵ0309ĵLatin Lower J with circumflex
ʝ0669ʝLatin Lower J with crossed-tail
ȷ0567ȷLatin Lower Dotless J
ɟ0607ɟLatin Lower Dotless J with stroke
ʄ0644ʄLatin Lower Dotless J with stroke and hook
Ɉ0584ɈLatin Capital J with stroke
ɉ0585ɉLatin Lower J with stroke
J̃ OR J TILDE (HAY) listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
J̃0074 (J)
Latin Capital HAY or J with tilde
j̃0106 (j)
Latin Lower HAY or J with tilde
K listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
K0075KLatin Capital K
k0107kLatin Lower K
Ḱ7728Latin Capital K with acute
ḱ7729Latin Lower K with acute
Ķ0310ĶLatin Capital K with cedilla
ķ0311ķLatin Lower K with cedilla
Ǩ0488ǨLatin Capital K with caron
ǩ0489ǩLatin Lower K with caron
Ḳ7730Latin Capital K with dot below
ḳ7731Latin Lower K with dot below
Ƙ0408ƘLatin Capital K with hook above
ƙ0409ƙLatin Lower K with hook above
Ḵ7732Latin Capital K with line below
ḵ7733Latin Lower K with line below
L listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
L0076LLatin Capital L
l0108lLatin Lower L
Ĺ0313ĹLatin Capital L with acute
ĺ0314ĺLatin Lower L with acute
Ƚ0573ȽLatin Capital L with bar
ƚ0410ƚLatin Lower L with bar
ɬ0620ɬLatin Lower L with belt
Ľ0317ĽLatin Capital L with caron
ľ0318ľLatin Lower L with caron
Ļ0315ĻLatin Capital L with cedilla
ļ0316ļLatin Lower L with cedilla
Ḽ7740Latin Capital L with circumflex below
ḽ7741Latin Lower L with circumflex below
ȴ0564ȴLatin Lower L with curl
Ḷ7734Latin Capital L with dot below
ḷ7735Latin Lower L with dot below
Ḹ7736Latin Capital L with dot below and macron
ḹ7737Latin Lower L with dot below and macron
Ḻ7738Latin Capital L with line below
ḻ7739Latin Lower L with line below
Ŀ0319ĿLatin Capital L with middle dot
ŀ0320ŀLatin Lower L with middle dot
ɫ0619ɫLatin Lower L with middle tilde
ɭ0621ɭLatin Lower L with retroflex hook
Ł0321ŁLatin Capital L with stroke
ł0322łLatin Lower L with stroke
L̃ OR L TILDE (YAY) listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
L̃0076 (L)
Latin Capital YAY or L with tilde
l̃0108 (l)
Latin Lower YAY or L with tilde
M listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
M0077MLatin Capital M
m0109mLatin Lower M
Ḿ7742Latin Capital M with acute
ḿ7743ḿLatin Lower M with acute
Ṁ7744Latin Capital M with dot above
ṁ7745Latin Lower M with dot above
Ṃ7746Latin Capital M with dot below
ṃ7747Latin Lower M with dot below
ɱ0625ɱLatin Lower M with hook
N listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
N0078NLatin Capital N
n0110nLatin Lower N
Ń0323ŃLatin Capital N with acute
ń0324ńLatin Lower N with acute
Ň0327ŇLatin Capital N with caron
ň0328ňLatin Lower N with caron
Ņ0325ŅLatin Capital N with cedilla
ņ0326ņLatin Lower N with cedilla
Ṋ7754Latin Capital N with circumflex below
ṋ7755Latin Lower N with circumflex below
ȵ0565ȵLatin Lower N with curl
Ṅ7748Latin Capital N with dot above
ṅ7749Latin Lower N with dot above
Ṇ7750Latin Capital N with dot below
ṇ7751Latin Lower N with dot below
Ǹ0504ǸLatin Capital N with grave
ǹ0505ǹLatin Lower N with grave
ʼn0329ʼnLatin Lower N with left apostrophe
Ɲ0413ƝLatin Capital N with left hook
ɲ0626ɲLatin Lower N with left hook
Ṉ7752Latin Capital N with line below
ṉ7753Latin Lower N with line below
Ƞ0544ȠLatin Capital N with long leg
ƞ0414ƞLatin Lower N with long leg
ɳ0627ɳLatin Lower N with retroflex hook
Ñ0209ÑÑ Latin Capital EÑE or N with tilde
ñ0241ññ Latin Lower EÑE or N with tilde
Ñ or N Tilde (EÑE, regarded as a distinctive letter of the Spanish alphabet, needed to distinguish words) listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
Ñ0209ÑÑ Latin Capital EÑE or N with tilde
ñ0241ññ Latin Lower EÑE or N with tilde
O listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
O0079OLatin Capital O
o0111oLatin Lower O
Ó0211ÓÓ Latin Capital O with acute
ó0243óó Latin Lower O with acute
ɵ0629ɵLatin Lower Barred O
ʘ0664ʘLatin Letter Bilabial Click
Ŏ0334ŎLatin Capital O with breve
ŏ0335ŏLatin Lower O with breve
Ǒ0465ǑLatin Capital O with caron
ǒ0466ǒLatin Lower O with caron
Ô0212ÔÔ Latin Capital O with circumflex
ô0244ôô Latin Lower O with circumflex
Ố7888Latin Capital O with circumflex and acute
ố7889Latin Lower O with circumflex and acute
Ộ7896Latin Capital O with circumflex and dot below
ộ7897Latin Lower O with circumflex and dot below
Ồ7890Latin Capital O with circumflex and grave
ồ7891Latin Lower O with circumflex and grave
Ổ7892Latin Capital O with circumflex and hook above
ổ7893Latin Lower O with circumflex and hook above
Ỗ7894Latin Capital O with circumflex and tilde
ỗ7895Latin Lower O with circumflex and tilde
Ö0214ÖÖ Latin Capital O with diaeresis
ö0246öö Latin Lower O with diaeresis
Ȫ0554ȪLatin Capital O with diaeresis and macron
ȫ0555ȫLatin Lower O with diaeresis and macron
Ȯ0558ȮLatin Capital O with dot above
ȯ0559ȯLatin Lower O with dot above
Ȱ0560ȰLatin Capital O with dot above and macron
ȱ0561ȱLatin Lower O with dot above and macron
Ọ7884Latin Capital O with dot below
ọ7885Latin Lower o with dot below
Ő0336ŐLatin Capital O with double acute
ő0337őLatin Lower O with double acute
Ȍ0524ȌLatin Capital O with double grave
ȍ0525ȍLatin Lower O with double grave
Ò0210ÒÒ Latin Capital O with grave
ò0242òò Latin Lower O with grave
Ỏ7886Latin Capital O with hook above
ỏ7887Latin Lower O with hook above
Ơ0416ƠLatin Capital O with horn
ơ0417ơLatin Lower O with horn
Ớ7898Latin Capital O with horn and acute
ớ7899Latin Lower O with horn and acute
Ợ7906Latin Capital O with horn and dot below
ợ7907Latin Lower O with horn and dot below
Ờ7900Latin Capital O with horn and grave
ờ7901Latin Lower O with horn and grave
Ở7902Latin Capital O with horn and hook above
ở7903Latin Lower O with horn and hook above
Ỡ7904Latin Capital O with horn and tilde
ỡ7905Latin Lower O with horn and tilde
Ȏ0526ȎLatin Capital O with inverted breve
ȏ0527ȏLatin Lower O with inverted breve
Ō0332ŌLatin Capital O with macron
ō0333ōLatin Lower O with macron
Ṓ7762Latin Capital O with macron and acute
ṓ7763Latin Lower O with macron and acute
Ṑ7760Latin Capital O with macron and grave
ṑ7761Latin Lower O with macron and grave
Ɵ0415ƟLatin Capital O with middle tilde
Ǫ0490ǪLatin Capital O with ogonek
ǫ0491ǫLatin Lower O with ogonek
Ǭ0492ǬLatin Capital O with ogonek and macron
ǭ0493ǭLatin Lower O with ogonek and macron
Ø0216ØØ Latin Capital O with stroke
ø0248øø Latin Lower O with stroke
Ǿ0510ǾLatin Capital O with stroke and acute
ǿ0511ǿLatin Lower O with stroke and acute
Õ0213ÕÕ Latin Capital O with tilde
õ0245õõ Latin Lower O with tilde
Ṍ7756Latin Capital O with tilde and acute
ṍ7757Latin Lower O with tilde and acute
Ṏ7758Latin Capital O with tilde and diaeresis
ṏ7759Latin Lower O with tilde and diaeresis
Ȭ0556ȬLatin Capital O with tilde and macron
ȭ0557ȭLatin Lower O with tilde and macron
P listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
P0080PLatin Capital P
p0112pLatin Lower P
Ṕ7764Latin Capital P with acute
ṕ7765Latin Lower P with acute
Ṗ7766Latin Capital P with dot above
ṗ7767Latin Lower P with dot above
Ƥ0420ƤLatin Capital P with hook
ƥ0421ƥLatin Lower P with hook
Q listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
Q0081QLatin Capital Q
q0113qLatin Lower Q
ʠ0672ʠLatin Lower Q with hook
Ɋ0586ɊLatin Capital Q with hook tail
ɋ0587ɋLatin Lower Q with hook tail
R listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
R0082RLatin Capital R
r0114rLatin Lower R
Ŕ0340ŔLatin Capital R with acute
ŕ0341ŕLatin Lower R with acute
Ř0344ŘLatin Capital R with caron
ř0345řLatin Lower R with caron
Ŗ0342ŖLatin Capital R with cedilla
ŗ0343ŗLatin Lower R with cedilla
Ṙ7768Latin Capital R with dot above
ṙ7769Latin Lower R with dot above
Ṛ7770Latin Capital R with dot below
ṛ7771Latin Lower R with dot below
Ṝ7772Latin Capital R with dot below and macron
ṝ7773Latin Lower R with dot below and macron
Ȑ0528ȐLatin Capital R with double grave
ȑ0529ȑLatin Lower R with double grave
ɾ0638ɾLatin Lower R with fishhook
Ȓ0530ȒLatin Capital R with inverted breve
ȓ0531ȓLatin Lower R with inverted breve
Ṟ7774Latin Capital R with line below
ṟ7775Latin Lower R with line below
ɼ0636ɼLatin Lower R with long leg
Ɍ0588ɌLatin Capital R with stroke
ɍ0589ɍLatin Lower R with stroke
ɽ0637ɽLatin Lower R with tail
R̃ OR R TILDE (RAY) listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
R̃0082 (R)
Latin Capital RAY or R with tilde
r̃0114 (r)
Latin Lower RAY or R with tilde
S listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
S0083SLatin Capital S
s0115sLatin Lower S
Ś0346ŚLatin Capital S with acute
ś0347śLatin Lower S with acute
Ṥ7780Latin Capital S with acute and dot above
ṥ7781Latin Lower S with acute and dot above
Š0352ŠŠ Latin Capital S with caron
š0353šš Latin Lower S with caron
Ṧ7782Latin Capital S with caron and dot above
ṧ7783Latin Lower S with caron and dot above
Ş0350ŞLatin Capital S with cedilla
ş0351şLatin Lower S with cedilla
Ŝ0348ŜLatin Capital S with circumflex
ŝ0349ŝLatin Lower S with circumflex
Ș0536ȘLatin Capital S with comma below
ș0537șLatin Lower S with comma below
Ṡ7776Latin Capital S with dot above
ṡ7777Latin Lower S with dot above
Ṣ7778Latin Capital S with dot below
ṣ7779Latin Lower S with dot below
Ṩ7784Latin Capital S with dot below and dot above
ṩ7785Latin Lower S with dot below and dot above
ʂ0642ʂLatin Lower S with hook
ȿ0575ȿLatin Lower S with swash tail
Sₕ OR S WITH SMALL LETTER H (SHAY) listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
Sₕ0083 (C)
SₕLatin Capital SHAY or S with small letter h on right
sₕ0115 (c)
sₕLatin Lower SHAY or S with small letter h on right
T listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
T0084TLatin Capital T
t0116tLatin Lower T
Ť0356ŤLatin Capital T with caron
ť0357ťLatin Lower T with caron
Ţ0354ŢLatin Capital T with cedilla
ţ0355ţLatin Lower T with cedilla
Ṱ7792Latin Capital T with circumflex below
ṱ7793Latin Lower T with circumflex below
Ț0538ȚLatin Capital T with comma below
ț0539țLatin Lower T with comma below
ȶ0566ȶLatin Lower T with curl
T̈0084 (T)
Latin Capital T with diaeresis
ẗ7831Latin Lower T with diaeresis
Ⱦ0574ȾLatin Capital T with diagonal stroke
Ṫ7786Latin Capital T with dot above
ṫ7787Latin Lower T with dot above
Ṭ7788Latin Capital T with dot below
ṭ7789Latin Lower T with dot below
Ƭ0428ƬLatin Capital T with hook
ƭ0429ƭLatin Lower T with hook
Ṯ7790Latin Capital T with line below
ṯ7791Latin Lower T with line below
Ʈ0430ƮLatin Capital T with retroflex hook
ʈ0648ʈLatin Lower T with retroflex hook
Ŧ0358ŦLatin Capital T with stroke
ŧ0359ŧLatin Lower T with stroke
U listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
U0085ULatin Capital U
u0117uLatin Lower U
Ú0218ÚÚ Latin Capital U with acute
ú0250úú Latin Lower U with acute
ʉ0649ʉLatin Lower U with bar
Ŭ0364ŬLatin Capital U with breve
ŭ0365ŭLatin Lower U with breve
Ǔ0467ǓLatin Capital U with caron
ǔ0468ǔLatin Lower U with caron
Û0219ÛÛ Latin Capital U with circumflex
û0251ûû Latin Lower U with circumflex
Ṷ7798Latin Capital U with circumflex below
ṷ7799Latin Lower U with circumflex below
Ü0220ÜÜ Latin Capital U with diaeresis
ü0252üü Latin Lower U with diaeresis
Ǘ0471ǗLatin Capital U with diaeresis and acute
ǘ0472ǘLatin Lower U with diaeresis and acute
Ǚ0473ǙLatin Capital U with diaeresis and caron
ǚ0474ǚLatin Lower U with diaeresis and caron
Ǜ0475ǛLatin Capital U with diaeresis and grave
ǜ0476ǜLatin Lower U with diaeresis and grave
Ǖ0469ǕLatin Capital U with diaeresis and macron
ǖ0470ǖLatin Lower U with diaeresis and macron
Ṳ7794Latin Capital U with diaeresis below
ṳ7795Latin Lower U with diaeresis below
Ụ7908Latin Capital U with dot below
ụ7909Latin Lower U with dot below
Ű0368ŰLatin Capital U with double acute
ű0369űLatin Lower U with double acute
Ȕ0532ȔLatin Capital U with double grave
ȕ0533ȕLatin Lower U with double grave
Ù0217ÙÙ Latin Capital U with grave
ù0249ùù Latin Lower U with grave
Ủ7910Latin Capital U with hook above
ủ7911Latin Lower U with hook above
Ư0431ƯLatin Capital U with horn
ư0432ưLatin Lower U with horn
Ứ7912Latin Capital U with horn and acute
ứ7913Latin Lower U with horn and acute
Ự7920Latin Capital U with horn and dot below
ự7921Latin Lower U with horn and dot below
Ừ7914Latin Capital U with horn and grave
ừ7915Latin Lower U with horn and grave
Ử7916Latin Capital U with horn and hook above
ử7917Latin Lower U with horn and hook above
Ữ7918Latin Capital U with horn and tilde
ữ7919Latin Lower U with horn and tilde
Ȗ0534ȖLatin Capital U with inverted breve
ȗ0535ȗLatin Lower U with inverted breve
Ū0362ŪLatin Capital U with macron
ū0363ūLatin Lower U with macron
Ṻ7802Latin Capital U with macron and diaeresis
ṻ7803Latin Lower U with macron and diaeresis
Ų0370ŲLatin Capital U with ogonek
ų0371ųLatin Lower U with ogonek
Ů0366ŮLatin Capital U with ring above
ů0367ůLatin Lower U with ring above
Ũ0360ŨLatin Capital U with tilde
ũ0361ũLatin Lower U with tilde
Ṹ7800Latin Capital U with tilde and acute
ṹ7801Latin Lower U with tilde and acute
Ṵ7796Latin Capital U with tilde below
ṵ7797Latin Lower U with tilde below
V listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
V0086VLatin Capital V
v0118vLatin Lower V
Ʉ0580ɄLatin Capital V with bar
Ṿ7806Latin Capital V with dot below
ṿ7807ṿLatin Lower V with dot below
Ʋ0434ƲLatin Capital V with hook
ʋ0651ʋLatin Lower V with hook
Ṽ7804Latin Capital V with tilde
ṽ7805Latin Lower V with tilde
W listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
W0087WLatin Capital W
w0119wLatin Lower W
Ẃ7810Latin Capital W with acute
ẃ7811Latin Lower W with acute
Ŵ0372ŴLatin Capital W with circumflex
ŵ0373ŵLatin Lower W with circumflex
Ẅ7812Latin Capital W with diaeresis
ẅ7813Latin Lower W with diaeresis
Ẇ7814Latin Capital W with dot above
ẇ7815Latin Lower W with dot above
Ẉ7816Latin Capital W with dot below
ẉ7817Latin Lower W with dot below
Ẁ7808Latin Capital W with grave
ẁ7809Latin Lower W with grave
ẘ7832Latin Lower W with ring above
W̃ OR W TILDE (WAY) listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
W̃0087 (W)
Latin Capital WAY or W with tilde
w̃0119 (w)
Latin Lower WAY or W with tilde
X listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
X0088XLatin Capital X
x0120xLatin Lower X
Ẋ7818Latin Capital X with dot above
ẋ7819Latin Lower X with dot above
Ẍ7820Latin Capital X with diaeresis
ẍ7821Latin Lower X with diaeresis
Y listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
Y0089YLatin Capital Y
y0121yLatin Lower Y
Ý0221ÝÝ Latin Capital Y with acute
ý0253ýý Latin Lower Y with acute
Ŷ0374ŶLatin Capital Y with circumflex
ŷ0375ŷLatin Lower Y with circumflex
Ÿ0376ŸLatin Capital Y with diaeresis
ÿ0255ÿÿ Latin Lower Y with diaeresis
Ẏ7822Latin Capital Y with dot above
ẏ7823Latin Lower Y with dot above
Ỵ7924Latin Capital Y with dot below
ỵ7925Latin Lower Y with dot below
Ỳ7922Latin Capital Y with grave
ỳ7923Latin Lower Y with grave
Ƴ0435ƳLatin Capital Y with hook
ƴ0436ƴLatin Lower Y with hook
Ỷ7926Latin Capital Y with hook above
ỷ7927Latin Lower Y with hook above
Ỿ7934Latin Capital Y with loop
ỿ7935ỿLatin Lower Y with loop
Ȳ0562ȲLatin Capital Y with macron
ȳ0563ȳLatin Lower Y with macron
ẙ7833Latin Lower Y with ring above
Ɏ0590ɎLatin Capital Y with stroke
ɏ0591ɏLatin Lower Y with stroke
Ỹ7928Latin Capital Y with tilde
ỹ7929Latin Lower Y with tilde
Z listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
Z0090ZLatin Capital Z
z0122zLatin Lower Z
Ź0377ŹLatin Capital Z with acute
ź0378źLatin Lower Z with acute
Ž0381ŽLatin Capital Z with caron
ž0382žLatin Lower Z with caron
Ẑ7824Latin Capital Z with circumflex
ẑ7825Latin Lower Z with circumflex
ʑ0657ʑLatin Lower Z with curl
Ż0379ŻLatin Capital Z with dot above
ż0380żLatin Lower Z with dot above
Ẓ7826Latin Capital Z with dot below
ẓ7827Latin Lower Z with dot below
Ȥ0548ȤLatin Capital Z with hook
ȥ0549ȥLatin Lower Z with hook
Ẕ7828Latin Capital Z with line below
ẕ7829Latin Lower Z with line below
ʐ0656ʐLatin Lower Z with retroflex hook
Ƶ0437ƵLatin Capital Z with stroke
ƶ0438ƶLatin Lower Z with stroke
ɀ0576ɀLatin Lower Z with swash tail
Unicode Madness Main Page The Basic Alphabet Letters A-Z Sorted By Letter On Beyond Z Proposed New Latin Letters Compound Consonant Diagraphs Letters A-Z Sorted By Code Spacing Characters Punctuation Characters Bullet Characters Quotation Characters Currency Characters Enclosure Characters Mathematical Characters Numeric Characters Fraction Characters Comparison Characters Accent Characters Line Characters Intellectual Property Characters Measurement Property Characters Special Characters Miscellaneous Characters More Resources Box Drawing Characters Combining Characters Control Characters Greek Characters Spanish Characters Italian Characters French Characters Letters Grouped by Letter Accent or Diacritic Unicode Tables
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