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Numeric Characters

A listing of Numeric Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
.0046.Full stop or Period or Decimal
-0045-Hyphen or Minus or Negative
‑8209Non-Breaking Hyphen or Minus or Negative
000480Digit Zero
100491Digit One
200502Digit Two
300513Digit Three
400524Digit Four
500535Digit Five
600546Digit Six
700557Digit Seven
800568Digit Eight
900579Digit Nine
↊8586dek (a 180-degree-rotated digit 2) or CANADIAN SYLLABICS CARRIER JU (ᘔ)
↋8587elv (a 180-degree-rotated digit 3) or LATIN CAPITAL LETTER OPEN E (Ɛ)

A listing of Superscript Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
⁰8304Superscript zero
¹0185¹¹ Superscript one
²0178²² Superscript two (squared)
³0179³³ Superscript three (cubed)
⁴8308Superscript four
⁵8309Superscript five
⁶8310Superscript six
⁷8311Superscript seven
⁸8312Superscript eight
⁹8313Superscript nine
⁺8314Superscript plus sign
⁻8315Superscript minus sign
⁼8316Superscript equal sign
⁽8317Superscript '('
⁾8318Superscript ')'
ⁿ8319Superscript 'n'

A listing of Subscript Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
₀8320Subscript zero
₁8321Subscript 1
₂8322Subscript 2
₃8323Subscript 3
₄8324Subscript 4
₅8325Subscript 5
₆8326Subscript 6
₇8327Subscript 7
₈8328Subscript 8
₉8329Subscript 9
₊8330Subscript + sign
₋8331Subscript - sign
₌8332Subscript = sign
₍8333Subscript (
₎8334Subscript )
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