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Proposed New Latin Letters

Proposed New Latin Letters and listing of Letters Character Entities
Hexadecimal HTMLALT+DecimalGlyphDescription
The Letter "Chay" Cₕ cₕ
Spanish: CH (the "che" sound) was once a distinct letter of the Spanish alphabet until 1994. The letters "c" and "h" form the redundant letter.
Ch0067 (C)
0104 (h)
ChLatin Capital C Lower H Digraph
ch0099 (c)
0104 (h)
chLatin Lower C Lower H Digraph
Resurrection Idea: LETTER CHAY: A "C" with a small letter "h" to the lower right to represent "CH"
Cₕ0067 (C)
CₕLatin Capital CHAY or C with small letter h on right
cₕ0099 (c)
cₕLatin Lower CHAY or C with small letter h on right

The Letter "Shay" Sₕ sₕ
New Letter Idea: LETTER SHAY: An "S" with a small letter "h" to the lower right to represent "SH"
Sₕ0083 (C)
SₕLatin Capital SHAY or S with small letter h on right
sₕ0115 (c)
sₕLatin Lower SHAY or S with small letter h on right

The Letter "Key" C̃ c̃
New Letter Idea: LETTER KEY: A "C" TILDE to represent the rolling "c" sound to add more emphasis on the "k" sound as when rolled, it would sound like "k-k-k-k-k-k".
C̃0067 (C)
Latin Capital KEY or C with tilde
c̃0099 (c)
Latin Lower KEY or C with tilde

The Letter "Ek" Ç ç
New Letter Idea: LETTER EK: A "C" with a CEDILLA to represent the "s" sound for words such as açai, façade, ça, garçon, reçu and names such as François. It can also be used for words such as Çinder, Çircumferençe, rançid, içicle and onçe.
Ç0199ÇÇ Latin Capital EK or C with cedilla
ç0231çç Latin Lower EK or C with cedilla

The Letter "Yay" L̃ l̃
Spanish: LL (sounded like the English letter "Y") was once a distinct letter of the Spanish alphabet until 1994. A double "L" made it redundant.
Ll0076 (L)
0108 (l)
LlLatin Capital L Lower L Digraph
ll0108 (l)
0108 (l)
llLatin Lower L Lower L Digraph
Resurrection Idea: LETTER YAY: AN "L" TILDE to represent "LL" NOTE: The English "ll" blend will still be pronounced to sound like a long "L" and the Spanish "ll" blend might still be pronounced like a "Y" but with a slight "J" sound before it! If the L TILDE is used, then it must be pronounced like the Spanish "ll" sound.
L̃0076 (L)
Latin Capital YAY or L with tilde
l̃0108 (l)
Latin Lower YAY or L with tilde

The Letter "Ray" R̃ r̃
Spanish: RR (the rolling "R") hasn't been an official Spanish letter since the 1800s century. A double "R" made it redundant.
Rr0082 (R)
0114 (r)
RrLatin Capital R Lower R Digraph
rr0114 (r)
0114 (r)
rrLatin Lower R Lower R Digraph
Resurrection Idea: LETTER RAY: AN "R" TILDE to represent "RR" NOTE: The English "rr" blend will still be pronounced to sound like a long "r" and the Spanish "rr" blend might still be pronounced like a trilled (or rolling) "R". If the R TILDE is used, then it must be pronounced like a rolling Spanish "r" as intended.
R̃0082 (R)
Latin Capital RAY or R with tilde
r̃0114 (r)
Latin Lower RAY or R with tilde

The Letter "Way" W̃ w̃
New Letter Idea: LETTER WAY: A "W" TILDE to represent "WW" NOTE: The English "ww" blend will still be pronounced to sound like a long "w" and but if the W TILDE is used, then it must be pronounced like a trilled (or rolling) "W". Since the Spanish Alphabet uses the singular "w" only in words of foreign origin, the Spanish Alphabet could adapt the new letter into new words or just use the trilling "ww" blend for new Spanish words.
W̃0087 (W)
Latin Capital WAY or W with tilde
w̃0119 (w)
Latin Lower WAY or W with tilde

The Letter "EÑE" (en-nay) Ñ ñ
Letter Idea: LETTER EÑE: An "N" TILDE to represent the "nee" sound This letter is part of the Spanish alphabet after the letter "N". This is regarded as a distinctive letter used to distinguish words such as Años from Anos. If you can pronounce the "ny" in "Canyon", or the "ni" in "Onion", then you can pronounce the letter "EÑE" as well. Imagine the words Cañon and Oñon to replace the respective "ny" and "ni" spellings!
Ñ0209ÑÑ Latin Capital EÑE or N with tilde
ñ0241ññ Latin Lower EÑE or N with tilde

The Letter "Eh" É é
Letter Idea: LETTER EH: An "E" ACUTE to represent the "eh" sound This letter already exists in UNICODE, and since using this accented "e" helps to make words to be pronounced as they were intended, why not make it a legitimate letter in the alphabet? It's pronounced like an "ay" sound.
É0201ÉÉ Latin Capital EH or E with acute
é0233éé Latin Lower EH or E with acute

The Letter "Ah" À à
Letter Idea: LETTER AH: An "A" GRAVE to represent the "ah" sound This letter already exists in UNICODE, and since using this accented "a" helps to make words to be pronounced as they were intended, why not make it a legitimate letter in the alphabet? It's pronounced like an "ah" sound in words such as "à la carte" and "déjà vu".
À0192ÀÀ Latin Capital A or AH with grave
à0224àà Latin Lower A or AH with grave

The Letter "Hay" J̃ j̃
New Letter Idea: LETTER HAY: A "J" TILDE to represent the "h" sound This is for making sure that certain names such as José get pronounced as intended with the "h" sound and the acute accented "e" (the letter "eh", which already exists as an accented character) so that when the "J" is replaced with a "J̃", it would look like this: J̃osé, and it won't be pronounced as "Johz", "Joze" or "Josie" by mistake!
J̃0074 (J)
Latin Capital HAY or J with tilde
j̃0106 (j)
Latin Lower HAY or J with tilde

The Letter "Ghee" G̃ g̃
New Letter Idea: LETTER GHEE: A "G" TILDE to represent the "j" sound for words such as G̃em, G̃entle, G̃iant, bing̃e and hydrog̃en.
G̃0071 (C)
Latin Capital GHEE or G with tilde
g̃0103 (c)
Latin Lower GHEE or G with tilde

Other Planned Letters

The Letter Thee (Th) with a capital T and a lower case h to its lower right.

The Letter Fee (Ph) with a capital P and a lower case h to its lower right.

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