Hexadecimal HTML | ALT+Decimal | Glyph | Description |
Á | 0193 | Á | Á Latin Capital A with acute |
á | 0225 | á | á Latin Lower A with acute |
É | 0201 | É | É Latin Capital EH or E with acute |
é | 0233 | é | é Latin Lower EH or E with acute |
Í | 0205 | Í | Í Latin Capital I with acute |
í | 0237 | í | í Latin Lower I with acute |
Ñ | 0209 | Ñ | Ñ Latin Capital EÑE or N with tilde |
ñ | 0241 | ñ | ñ Latin Lower EÑE or N with tilde |
Ó | 0211 | Ó | Ó Latin Capital O with acute |
ó | 0243 | ó | ó Latin Lower O with acute |
Ú | 0218 | Ú | Ú Latin Capital U with acute |
ú | 0250 | ú | ú Latin Lower U with acute |
Ü | 0220 | Ü | Ü Latin Capital U with diaeresis |
ü | 0252 | ü | ü Latin Lower U with diaeresis |
Ý | 0221 | Ý | Ý Latin Capital Y with acute |
ý | 0253 | ý | ý Latin Lower Y with acute |
¿ | 0191 | ¿ | ¿ Inverted Question Mark |
¡ | 0161 | ¡ | ¡ Inverted Exclamation Mark |
ª | 0170 | ª | ª Feminine Ordinal Indicator |
º | 0186 | º | º Masculine ordinal indicator |
« | 0171 | « | « Left-pointing double angle quotation mark or left pointing guillemet |
» | 0187 | » | » Right-pointing double angle quotation mark or right pointing guillemet |
‹ is non-standard! use ‹ instead! | |||
‹ | 8249 | ‹ | ‹ single left-pointing angle quotation mark |
› is non-standard! use › instead! | |||
› | 8250 | › | › single right-pointing angle quotation mark |
₱ | 8369 | ₱ | Peso |
€ is non-standard! use € instead! | |||
€ | 8364 | € | € Euro sign |
For French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, etc., see http://www.starr.net/is/type/altnum.htm
For most other langauges, see http://www.typeit.org
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